Chapter 10 - I Need You, Moms

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Lena POV

I wake up to Lennox sitting up, gasping for air. It's still dark so it must be the middle of the night. I also see Kara awake, trying to calm Lennox down.

"S-she k-killed both of you." Lennox sobs. She doesn't seem to be responding well to touch, so Kara and I try our best to keep our distance when all we want to do is hold her.

"What, baby?" I say asking to clarify.

"Lillian. She killed you and then Kara. I just stood there and couldn't do anything." She cries, still trying to even her breathing.

"It's okay, honey. We're both right here. We're okay." Kara coos.

"Lennox, baby, can we touch you?" I offer.

She nods slowly and I don't hesitate to pull her into my lap and hold her while Kara strokes her back. I stay holding her, hoping she will go back to sleep. She stops crying and I can hear her breathing evening out, but her eyes are open, full of fear. She's trying to stay awake.

"Len, it's okay. You can go back to sleep. We're right here. We won't leave, okay?" I whisper into her hair.

"I can't. I'm too scared." She admits, voice cracking. "C-could I take a shower? I feel gross." She asks.

"Of course, sweetheart. Do you need help?" Kara asks getting off the bed.

"Y-yes. Is that okay? I'm sorry I know you guys were sleeping." She says ashamed.

"No, honey don't apologize. Of course we will help. Our top priority from now on is you, okay my love?" I ask making sure she understands.

"Okay. Thank you." She says getting off the bed and lets Kara guide her to the bathroom.

Kara helps take Lennox's PJs off and starts the shower. Lennox flinches as Kara goes to lift her shirt.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just me, my love. I will never hurt you." Kara reassures.

Lennox nods, "Sorry. I didn't mean to." She says sadly.

"It's okay, honey. I understand. But Lena and I will never hurt you, okay? If you need us to take it slow with the physical touch, you can tell us."

"N-no, I love your hugs and kisses. It just might take me a second to get acclimated again."

I'm so impressed by her. She knows her own needs and responses to things that a lot of people don't figure out until later in their lives.

"Well good, because we love kissing and hugging you, cuddle bug." I say kissing her head, making her smile.

Kara helps her into the shower and she winces at the water drops hitting her body. Her back is covered in bruises so being in here will probably hurt before it starts to soothe. I start washing her hair and try not to cry at how sad she looks. Just when she was starting to heal and move past what she went through, her same offenders took her and hurt her worse than ever before.

She breaks my thoughts when she says, "Thank you for being so gentle."

"Of course, baby. Is it okay if Kara scrubs your body, gently?" I ask and she nods looking at Kara.

I see tears stream down Kara's face as she tries not to hurt Lennox.

We finish up in the shower and I help her step out while Kara wraps her in a towel. We guide her back to the bed and sit her down while I grab her fresh PJs. I slip her shirt on and she winces when I accidentally graze her ribs. "I'm so sorry, baby! I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." I say kissing her head.

"It's okay, Lee I know you didn't mean to. I trust you." She says looking into my eyes and I nod.

We all lay back in bed and she leans on Kara who wraps her arm around her waist. Her arm is interlocked with mine.

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