Chapter 16 - Missing Piece

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Kara POV

"Lennox, babe, watch out!" I say to my daughter who is currently about to fly into the wall.

Correction - who just flew into the wall. Lena is going to kill me.

"Are you okay, Len?"

"Y-yeah!" She grunts as she gets back up and flies towards me.

It's been a month since we discovered she could fly. She has been begging Lena and me to take her flying so she can practice more. Lena was a little more hesitant but that's understandable. We started small, just around the house and then we moved to the roof of our building. 

Today I agreed to take her between National City's skyscrapers which has been scary but she's been doing great. Except the flying into the wall part. 

Lena has been so busy at work due to the launch of some new fancy hospital gadget that will be used around the world. She's currently in South Korea meeting with some investors until the end of the week. Only 3 more days. 

Lennox and I came up with a secret plan to fly over to her hotel to surprise her but Lena being the super genius she is, figured out our excellent plan. She told me, and I quote, "Don't even think about it." So there goes that plan. She's worried that something would happen mid-flight and she wouldn't forgive herself. I reluctantly agreed. We just miss her so much!

"Come on, babe. Let's go home, I'm hungry." I tell her as we're on top of the L-Corp building.

"Ugh, fine. Race ya!" She takes off before I even process what's happening. She might even be faster than me. We'll see about that.

"Can we have pizza? Ooo and alfredo? I've been craving that for some reason." Lennox says as she's pilfering through our fridge.

"Yeah, baby we can do that." I chuckle.

"Go take a shower, you reek of pigeon poop." I say covering my nose.

"Hey! It's not my fault you were distracting me when I flew right into the pack of birds." She frowns at me, sweetly.

"Well then that's a good lesson. Be aware of your surroundings at all times!" I shove her up the stairs.

I feel a buzz in my pocket and immediately perk up seeing Lena's name.

"Hi my love. How's Korea?"

"Hi baby. Korea is amazing, I definitely want to take you and Lennox here sometime. You'd both love it."

"Sounds like a plan to me. How have your meetings been going?"

"I'm drained. The language barrier is a bit difficult but other than that, they love the product and want to roll it out to all their hospitals here." She sighs.

"That's great! I'm so proud of you baby."

"Thank you. Where's Len? How was flying today?"

"Uh flying went okay. She's definitely improving which is good. She gets distracted very easily so we need to work on that more. She flew right into a bunch of pigeons and she got shat on which is lovely. She's in the shower currently." I chuckle a bit, remembering that event.

"Oh I'm sure you were laughing your ass off. Poor girl." She chuckles.

"Hey, I have to go but I'll call later to talk to her. I love you so much, Kara."

"I love you more, Lena. Talk to you later." I hang up the phone and sigh as I sit on the couch, placing our pizza and pasta order. 


Lennox and I are enjoying our dinner and tv show when I get a Supergirl alert.

"Uh hey there's an emergency. I'm gonna call Winn to see if he can come watch you." I say standing up.

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