Chapter 9 - The Other Shoe

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Lena POV

Alex, Brainy, and J'onn managed to find a possible location where they could be holding Lennox. It's now 5:30am. She's been missing for 3 hours. I don't even want to think about what they could have done to her in that time. She needs to fight for a little longer. We're almost there.

"I'm coming with and don't even try to stop me." I say to Kara and Alex.

"We expected nothing less from you Lena. But you will let us go in and breach before you set foot in the building. Understood?" Alex tells me.

"Yes, I understand. I hope she's in there."

"Me too, Lena." Kara says as we head in the van. She and J'onn decided to fly to the building to scan possible entrances and security I know Lillian has surrounding the building.

When Alex and I pull up to the building we hear J'onn through the comms.

"There are 3 entrances. Kara has ruled out that 2 of them are traps so we're left with the northeast one, Alex. Set your team up on the southeast side in order to breach."

"Copy that." Alex responds leaving the van to organize her team.

I stay waiting in the car for confirmation that they've breached the building. Since it's lead lined, Kara's unable to see where Lennox is exactly.

I hear through comms that the entrance is blown and agents rush in.

"Kara, Lillian won't be far from Lennox. Alex, make sure you catch her off guard in order to make the arrest." I say guiding them with as much knowledge I have without assessing the situation myself. I hate this, but I want to make it to Lennox in one piece.

"Got it, Lena. We've managed to knock out all the guards. Kara is currently handling some scientists trying to figure out where Lennox is." Alex says out of breath.

"Lena, get here right now. It's not good." Kara says making me jump out of the van, sprinting into the building with an agent behind me. My heart is pounding and my mind running rampant with possibilities of Lennox's state.

I get to the room where I see Kara holding a bloodied and unconscious Lennox. My eyes widen and tears fall immediately. She's so small in Kara's arms. I see Alex cuff a man, roughly. Joe. Lillian is nowhere to be seen. I run over to Kara and Lennox.

"She's breathing but she's unconscious. Her heartbeat is steady but very slow. We need to get her to the DEO." Kara says trying to hold in her sobs. Lennox is only in her sports bra and underwear. Lillian is evil, but not that evil. I immediately put together that Joe was the one who did this to her. Based on the fresh needle mark on her arm, I know Lillian injected her with something. Joe is too dumb to do that. He must've hurt her after Lillian left. I get up and walk over to Alex and Joe.

"What the fuck did you do to her, you sick bastard?!" I say in Joe's face.

"I did to her what she deserved." He spat. I punch him, knowing Alex wanted to do the same.

"Well, now you will get what you deserve. You'll never see the light of day ever again," Alex says. "Lillian was gone when we entered the building. She must've known we would come." She adds.

"It's okay, her time will come. Let's just make sure he never comes near Lennox again." I say.

Alex walks him out with some other agents following. I see Kara lift Lennox up and I follow her outside. She places her on the bed gently and we get in the back of the van with her.

We are silent the whole time to the DEO. Her injuries aren't too severe but she has even more bruises than when I first found her. I don't know the exact details of what Joe did to her but I know it wasn't good. My poor baby.

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