Chapter 18 - Actions Are Louder Than Words

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Kara POV

A month has gone by since little Flora joined our family. Things have mostly been okay. She is still flinching at every touch or raised voice even if there is no ill intent behind it. Lena and I have been trying to help break her out of that but I have to remember that it takes time. Lennox still has moments where she also flinches, even if it's only for a second.

Having two traumatized girls has its challenges but there's nothing that Lena and I would trade it for. The biggest challenge is that Lena and I feel so helpless sometimes. Flora dropped a glass on the floor tonight and she froze with her eyes wide. I have never seen so much fear in one small girl before. Lena slowly walked up to her and tried to get her to step away from the shards. Lena lightly touched Flora's bicep and she sobbed so loud, as if Lena had been the one to hurt her. It was gut wrenching to hear. Lena turned and gave me a look of distraught and pure sadness for our youngest. 

Flora eventually came to her senses and sprinted to her room and shut the door quietly. She's afraid to even slam a door which would totally be warranted in this instance. I help Lena clean up the glass and we just held each other. 

That's part of why we would never trade this for anything else. This experience is bringing us closer together as a couple. We have so much love to give to our daughters but when they don't know how to accept it, we're the only ones who can completely understand each other with that feeling of being useless. 

"I'll go talk to her. I understand that this is so hard and it reminds me of how much I want to kill her previous caretakers. But this'll take time, my love. Look how far Lennox has come. I know they're different and have different experiences but it brings me a bit of hope. I love you so much." I kiss my wife's forehead and she nods and leans into my shoulder.

"Tell her that I love her so much and that she's not in any trouble." She muffles.

"You know I will." I release her and walk towards Flora's room. 

I knock lightly on her door.

"Flora, honey? Is it alright if I come in? You're not in trouble at all sweetheart, I just want to talk to you for a minute." I hear no movement or sound, just her accelerated heartbeat and breathing.

After a minute or two of silence I hear a faint whisper, "Okay."

I open the door softly and see Flora in the corner of her room, facing the wall. She has her knees up to her face to hide in them. I sit on her bed, unsure of where she would feel most comfortable with me in here.

"Flora, sweetie you're not in trouble. It was an accident. Accidents happen. I'm not mad. Lena's not mad. She just wanted to help you and make sure that you didn't step in any shards. She loves you so much, baby. I love you so much. It's alright that you accidentally dropped it."

All I can hear are small sniffles from her tiny frame. She eventually slowly turns around facing me, but not meeting my eyes.

"I deserved to step in the shards. I dropped it! Why aren't you punishing me? Now you'll have to pay for a new one." She says hoarsely. I would give anything to wrap her up in my arms right now but I fight against it.

"Flora you absolutely do not deserve to step in the shards. It was an honest mistake, honey. They happen. Remember when Lennox dropped her water on the dining table last week?"

She nods slowly.

"And did we punish her or yell at her for spilling?"

She shakes her head.

"You're right. Because she didn't mean to. And even if she had on purpose, we still wouldn't have yelled or hurt her. That's not how Lena and I parent. It's not how anyone should parent." I say strongly but cut down the edge to my voice to show her I'm not angry at her.

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