Chapter 1

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The year is 1986. You have 2 awesome guy best friends, Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington. The only problem is, they are both in love with you, and you don't know it. You are sitting at the DnD lunch table sitting next to Eddie. You all are talking about the campaign coming to an end for DnD.

"We have to finish this campaign tonight!" Eddie said. You nod in agreement with him.

You look at him and think to yourself, "I wonder if he knows how I feel about him. Does he feel the same way about me?" Eddie looks at you because he can feel you staring at him. You look away quickly and smile at yourself.

The bell rings, and you head to the last class of the day. Eddie runs up behind you and pokes your side. You squeal, "Eddie! Stop that!" He starts laughing.

"I can't help it. It's funny because of how you squirm and squeal when I poke your sides, y/n.", Eddie responded, laughing. You playfully hit his arm. "Let me walk you to class ", Eddie said. You nod.

"Hey, y/n!" someone calls from behind you. You turn around and see Steve. Eddie rolls his eyes.

"Be nice, Munson. Remember, you are both my best friends.", you said to Eddie jabbing his side. Eddie waves you off. "Hey, Steve. What's up?" you ask.

"Well, do you want to hang out tonight? The championship basketball game is tonight, and I was thinking about going.", Steve replied to you.

"That's a no-go, Harrington. We have DnD tonight. End of the campaign.", Eddie chimed snidely. They eye each other thinking they are a better best friend for you.

"Ok, guys, put it away. Enough with the testosterone battle here. I'm sorry, Steve, I would love to hang out tonight, but it is the end of the campaign.", you say to them. Eddie smirks at Steve as he has won.

"Alright, y/n. I get it. I will catch you later then.", Steve said, feeling slightly hurt. He turned and walked away from you and Eddie.

"I don't like the way he was looking at you, Wheeler.", Eddie said as he watched Steve walk away. You look down and smile at how jealous Eddie is of your friendship with Steve.

"Aww, Munson. Are you jealous or something?" you teased him, playful as you continued to walk down the hall to class.

"What?, I'm not jealous.", stammered Eddie going slightly red in the face.

"Why don't we blow the last period and go to our spot? I can't focus on history right now", you say to Eddie. He quickly agrees with you, and you both quickly sneak out of school and go to your spot in the woods.

"Fuck, if I keep this up, y/n will never know how much I love her. And with Harrington constantly getting in the way of everything, it makes it harder for me to get close to her.", thought Eddie.

"Eddie, are you ok? You kind of spaced out for a second there.", you say to him concerned. Eddie quickly snapped out of it.

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking, that's all.", Eddie quickly responded and spaced out again.

"What is going on with him? He is so different lately. I can't get much out of him.", you think to yourself. You both sit down at the table in your spot in the woods behind the school.

"Y/n, I have been wanting to ask you something. It is kind of hard to get it out, considering we have been friends for years.", Eddie says slowly. You look up at him and into his gorgeous brown eyes.

"What is it, Eddie?" you ask him, very curious as to what he wants to ask you. Eddie stares at you longingly before he says anything. The space between you and Eddie gets thick with an awkward silence. Next thing you know, Eddie gets up and walks to your side of the table, and sits next to you. 

Best Friends to Lovers: A Lovers TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now