Chapter 7

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You are at school, sitting in the cafeteria at the Hell Fire table alone. You can't shake the event of everything that has happened. Steve kissing you 2 months back, the murder that had happened just a few days prior. You don't know what is going to happen in your life now, and you are scared. Nancy walks in and sees you sitting by yourself. She comes over and sits next to you.

"Hey, y/n, are you ok?" she asks you. You shake your head. You are an utter mess after everything. "What's wrong? You want to talk about it?", Nany questions. You look at her and start sobbing and explaining everything that happened over the past couple of months. You have barely touched Eddie and won't let him touch you.

"Nance, I'm scared. I don't know what to do. I love Eddie so much, but after what Steve did, I feel gross and like I can't wash it away." you sob as you lay your head down on the table. As you sit there sobbing, and Nancy is rubbing your back, telling you it's ok, Eddie walks in. Nancy sees him and shakes her head, saying it is not a good time.

Eddie still walks over to the table to see you. "Nancy, I need to talk to my girlfriend. Can you give us a bit, please?" Eddie says, looking at Nancy.

"I will see you later, y/n. Bye, Eddie.", Nancy says as she gets up to leave. You look up to see Nancy walking away and Eddie standing there looking at you with darkness in his chocolate-brown eyes.

"Y/n, what has gotten into you the past couple of months? You haven't touched me, you barely let me touch you. We haven't had sex in 2 months. The last time you let me touch you was the night Steve kissed you. It's not right for you to do this.", Eddie yells at you. He grabs your hand and yanks you up. "Y/n, talk to me, will you." Eddie yells again.

You yank your hand away and just stare at him, and tears fill your eyes. Eddie realizes he just fucked up by yelling at you. He had never done that. You run out of the cafeteria and all the way home. You throw yourself on the bed and sob until you fall asleep. Eddie feels like shit for yelling at you. He knows it's not your fault for what Steve did. He goes home and sees you asleep on the bed, and goes to lie down next to you. He hesitates to touch you, considering how you have been the last couple of months.

You feel Eddie's body heat next to you, and you wake up. You turn to face him. He sees you woke up and looks at you. "Baby girl, I am so sorry for yelling at you. I never meant to. You mean the world to me. I never want to hurt you.", Eddie explains to you as he caresses your face.

You look up into his face and see his chocolate brown eyes as soft as they usually are. You start telling him how you have been feeling and why you haven't touched him or let him touch you. "I'm sorry for everything. I just haven't felt like myself since that night. I don't want to do anything to hurt you. I love you so much.", you say to him. He pulls you close to him and just holds you. He lifts your chin up so you are looking at him. He leans in and kisses you so passionately, it is in a way he has never kissed before.

You lean more into him, kissing him deeper and with such passion. He slowly caresses your body as he kisses you. Things start to get more passionate as he kisses you. You remove his shirt and trace the tattoo on his chest with your finger. He removes your shirt and bra and starts kissing your body. He takes off your skirt and your underwear and removes his jeans and boxers. He slowly slides his cock into you. You make a weird gasp as he does so. "That was so hot.", he says as he looks into your eyes.

This time things are different than when you normally have sex. It was slow and passionate and felt amazing in so many different ways. You both breathe each other in and love each other as Eddie slowly makes love to you. You lean up and kiss him, and as you do, you both climax together. He collapses on top of you. "Baby girl, you're shaking. Are you alright?" Eddie says, grabbing you and holding you close. You calm down as soon as he holds you close to him.

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