Chapter 12

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You and Eddie relax in the tub for about an hour. He massages your back before getting out. The water got cold, so you and Eddie got out. You dried off and went back to the bedroom. You got into your pajamas, which usually consisted of just your underwear and one of Eddie's shirts.

You started thinking to yourself, "I didn't get my period this month. Oh my fucking God! My period is late!". Eddie sees you deep in thought.

"Babe, everything alright?" he asked.

"Um...not really. I just realized something.", you say, hesitating slightly. You look up at him.

"What did you realize?" Eddie asked, getting concerned.

"Well...uh...I'm late this month.", you stammer. Eddie's eyes grow wide as he realizes what you just said.

"Oh fuck. We need to go to the pharmacy now!", he says as he throws on a pair of jeans and a shirt. You put on a pair of jeans and run out to Eddie's van. He quickly drives to the pharmacy. You follow Eddie inside. He takes your hand to keep you calm.

You walk quickly to the aisle to grab a pregnancy test. You take the test up to the checkout. The cashier eyes you both in judgment. You pay for the test and leave. Eddie drives back home and parks in front of the trailer.

You jump out of the van and run straight to the bathroom. Eddie walks to the bedroom and waits a few minutes for you to finish. He gets up from the bed and knocks on the bathroom door, "Y/n, can I come in?",

"Yeah.", you respond faintly. Eddie walks in and sees you sitting on the floor. He sits down next to you.

"Are you alright, little bat?" Eddie asked, wrapping his arm around you.

"Far from it. I'm terrified.", you say, beginning to cry. He ribs your arms to calm you. A few minutes pass. You take a deep breath and get up from the floor. "Time to check.", you say, holding your breath. You pick up the test. Eddie is standing right behind you, his arms around your waist.

You flip the test over. You practically faint at the results. Luckily, Eddie was behind you to hold you up. "What does it say, y/n?", Eddie asked, as he still held you steady. You flip the test to show him. The test said positive. "Oh fuck.", Eddie said. You drop the test on the floor and begin to sob. "Y/n, it's going to be ok. We will figure this out. I am so sorry I let this happen.", Eddie says, holding you close.

You look up at him with red puffy eyes. "Eddie, how can you be so sure? I mean, think about it, how do we know if it is from you or from...from..." you sobbed harder. You couldn't even finish the sentence. Eddie thinks for a minute. He realizes that you are right. You both don't know if it's his or Billy's.

"I know, baby. I know. We will get through this together. I will support you no matter what you want to do.", he said, still holding onto you tightly. You continue to sob into his shoulder. "Thing is babe, what if it is a false positive?", Eddie trying to console you.

You look at him, thinking he could be right. You hadn't been feeling sick or anything. Maybe your period is late due to all of the stress of the week. "You're right, babe. Maybe it is a false positive. We won't know until I can go to the doctor.", you say.

"Come on, little bat. Let's go lay down. You have been stressed enough as it is.", Eddie said leading you to the bedroom. You slip off your jeans and climb into bed. Eddie does the same. He grabs you and pulls you close. You nestle your head into his chest and quickly fall asleep. You were mentally exhausted from everything.

Eddie's POV

You watched her as she slept. "How can I help her through this? What if the test isn't a false positive? No matter what the outcome is, I will be by her side no matter what.", you thought to yourself. You felt her start to too and turn. Y/n was whimpering in her sleep. You look down at her and rub her back to try and calm her, but the tossing and turning gets more violent. "Y/n, it's ok. I'm right here. You are safe.", you say, trying to calm her down. She wakes up in a cold sweat and is crying.

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