Chapter 5

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You take the coffee from Eddie and smile at him. You both eat and enjoy each other's company. You finish the last piece of bacon before Eddie can grab it. "Oh, little bat. I wanted that.", Eddie says to you. You hold it in your mouth and gesture with your finger for him to come and get it. He quickly jumps at you, and you squeal and giggle as he grabs you. He holds your face steady, takes a bit out of the bacon in your mouth, and kisses you simultaneously.

You hold him there for what seems like an eternity. You never wanted it to end. He pulls away and laughs. You never thought you could be this happy in your entire life. "I love you, Eddie Munson. You have made me the happiest woman in the world. I want to be with you forever.", you say to him as he stares at you. You smile at him, and he smiles at you. He pulls you up onto his lap and starts kissing your neck. You lean your head back to give him better access to your neck.

"You are so gorgeous.", he says between kisses. He moves up your neck to your ear and nibbles on your ear lobe. You giggle as he does that because it tickles. You get shivers down your spine as he kisses you. "I want you to be mine forever.", he says, looking at you as he holds you.

"I will always be yours, Eddie. Nothing will change that.", you tell him.

"Not even Harrinton's feeling for you?" he asks.

"No, Eddie. Not even Steve's feelings for me will change that. I see myself with only you.", you reply. He smiles at you, tackles you on the bed playfully, and begins to kiss you all over. "What about getting high and watching movies all day?" you ask as you giggle.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that.", Eddie says as he pouts because he wants to have you right then and there. He pulls out a couple of joints and a stack of horror movies for your guys to watch. "Which shall we do first?" he asks.

"Let's smoke and then watch movies. I think the horror movies will be better high.", you respond. Eddie agrees and hands you a joint. He lights it for you. You inhale deeply, hold for 3 seconds, and blow the smoke into Eddie's face. He smiles as he lights up his joint and does the same to you. You and Eddie lay in bed for several hours, smoking and watching horror movies.

You fall asleep during the last movie in Eddie's arms. He looks down at you as you sleep. He kisses your head and snuggles against your back, and falls asleep. You both sleep through the night until the following day. You get up and see that Eddie is still asleep. You quietly leave bed to go to the bathroom and get some coffee. You see, Eddie's uncle had already made a pot.

He sees you and says good morning to you. "Good morning Mr.Munson.", you say in return.

"Is Eddie up yet?" he asks you. You shake your head as you pour yourself a coffee. "Can you let him know I need his help out in the yard today when he gets up?" he asks you politely, giving you a look of concern hoping you two are safe.

"I will let him know, and yes, we are. There is no need to worry.", you respond to him. Eddie's uncle walks outside to start working in the yard. You go back into Eddie's room and still see him sleeping. "Eddie, baby, it's time to get up. Your uncle needs your help in the yard.", you whisper.

"Do I have to? I want to lay here with you.", Eddie mutters into his pillow as he pulls you onto his bed and starts kissing you all over.

"Baby, your uncle needs your help outside. You need to get up.", you say as he kisses you.

"Oh, alright. I'm up, but when I get back, you are mine.", he growls in your ear. You shiver when he does that. Eddie gets up and gets dressed. He heads outside to help his uncle to clean up the yard. You watch from the window as Eddie works up a sweat and gets dirty. Watching him work hard turns you on. Eddie sees that you are watching him from the window and smiles. He comes back inside, all sweaty, and grabs you from behind. "You are mine now, little bat.", Eddie whispers in your ear. You squealed as he held you and picked you up.

He takes you to his bedroom and throws you on the bed. He jumps on top of you and starts kissing you all over. "Baby, we should wait until your uncle leaves for work.", you say, breathing heavily. Eddie looks up at you and pouts that he has to stop. You guys hear Wayne leave the trailer and get in his car to go to work.

"Alright, now he is gone, and you are mine.", he growls, attacking you with kisses. You laugh as he kisses you all over. He starts to kiss you with such a hunger that it makes you instantly wet. Eddie removes your shirt and underwear. After throwing your underwear on the floor, he eats you out. You groan as Eddie slips his fingers inside your wet pussy. "You like that, little bat? Do you want more?" Eddie asks you as you arch your back in pleasure.

"Yes. Don't stop. Please, don't stop!" you beg. He moves his fingers faster, and you are about to cum all over his fingers.

"Oh no, you don't, my little bat.", Eddie says, removing his fingers from you. He removes his clothes and climbs on top of you, and he inserts his hard throbbing cock in you. He starts slow, and you whine, wanting him to go faster. "Do you want it faster, baby?" he asks you. You nod, staring up at him and into his gorgeous chocolate-brown eyes. Eddie moves faster and faster as you beg him to.

"Oh, fuck, baby. Don't stop!" you scream. Eddie continues at inhumane speeds. He stops suddenly, picks you up, and carries you to the bathroom. He turns on the shower making sure it is hot. He has you in, and he continues to you fuck hard as the hot water runs all over your body.

Eddie has you pinned up against the wall in the shower as he pounds into you faster. You are both about to climax. He picks you up, and you are face-to-face. He kisses you deeply. You both explode together. "FUCK!!!" you both yell as he cums in you, and you cum all over him. "Oh my God, baby. That was amazing.", you say to him as he holds you close while letting the hot water run over you.

You both shower for a bit longer, letting the water get cold. Eddie turns the water off and grabs you a towel. You head back to his bedroom and get dressed. You lay down in bed and fall asleep. Eddie follows, but he doesn't lie down in bed with you. Eddie leaves the trailer for a couple of hours. He goes into town to get you something. He ends up running into Steve while he is out.

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