Chapter 3

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"What is it you need to tell me, y/n?" Steve asked you as he stared into your hazel eyes.

" I forgot.", you say to him as you stare at him. He laughs.

"I'm going, to be honest with you right now, y/n. I don't want you to think any less of me for it, either. This is something I have been holding in for a long time.", Steve says to you while still holding you close to him. "I...uh...I love you. I have loved you since we were in middle school. I don't get what you see in Eddie "The Freak" Munson, but I don't think he is right for you.", Steve stammers as he confesses his feelings for you. You stare at him in shock as you realize that Eddie was right about Steve's feelings for you the whole time.

"I...I don't know what to say here, Steve. I mean, we have been best friends for a long time. I just, um...can't reciprocate my feelings for you. I'm in love with someone else. Also, Eddie is not a freak. You calling him a freak is basically calling me a freak. Not cool, Steve.", you say to him, upset about what he called Eddie.

"I can tell you are in love with someone else. Just know that I am not going to stop fighting for you.", Steve says to you. You look up at him, and not knowing what to say or think, you hug him. "Can I give you a ride home?" he asks you.

"Actually, can you drive me over to Eddie's, please? I told him I would be there before our DnD game tonight.", you reply to him. Steve nods and opens the passenger door for you to his car.

Steve drops you off outside of Eddie's trailer and turns to you to say, "Just remember what I said, y/n. I will not stop fighting for you." You get out of the car and wave bye to Steve. You knock on Eddie's front door. He answers the door smiling.

"Hey, there, little bat. I'm so glad you are here. Please come in. I have something for you.", Eddie said, letting you pass. He can see an upset expression on your face. "What is it, y/n? Did Steve do something to you?" Eddie questioned angrily. You shook your head and looked at Eddie with tears welling in your eyes. "Tell me what's wrong little bat.", he said, pulling you close to him.

"You were right about Steve's feelings for me. He is in love with me. He has been since middle school, but I don't feel the same way. I told him I was in love with someone else. I didn't tell him it was you.", you explained to him.

"You need to tell him it is me you are in love with.", Eddie said dejectedly.

"I know I do, Eddie. And I will when the time is right, but now is not that time.", you say, looking up at him. You get up on your toes and pull Eddie's mouth to yours and kiss him with so much passion that he moans through the kiss.

"You shouldn't have done that little bat. Now I am going to make you mine forever.", he said excitedly, picking you up and carrying you to his bedroom. You giggle as he carries you to his room and throws you down his bed. He climbs over you, showering you with kisses with such a hunger for you.

You move his hand under your jeans, and he starts to rub your clit with his fingers. "Oh fuck! Please, Eddie, don't stop.", you moaned in his ear. He moves his fingers faster.

"Don't climax yet, little bat. I'm not done with you yet.", Eddie teases you with his fingers. He undoes your jeans and slides them off of you. He throws your jeans to the floor and crawls between your legs, and spreads them wide, exposing your crotch, which is dripping wet already. He slides his middle finger inside you and rubs your clit with his thumb.

"Oh my, fuck!", you scream as Eddie moves his finger faster still inside you. He removes his finger and starts to eat you out slowly and picking up speed. You arch your back as you are about to cum. "I'm about to cum. Please don't stop!" you say, breathing heavily.

"Not yet, you don't. You will cum when I tell you to cum, little bat.", he says as he removes his own jeans and boxers. He climbs on top and inserts his member deep inside of you. You both moan as he slides inside you. He starts pumping slowly and builds speed. You groan in pleasure as he continues.

"Please let me cum, baby. I can feel it.", you plead with him. He goes inhumanly faster, making you moan louder.

"That's it, baby. Let it out.", Eddie growls in your ear. You both climax together, and he still continues to thrust himself into you. "Do you want me to stop, little bat?", he asks you breathlessly. You shake your head no and pull up to kiss him deeply. "You asked for it, little bat.", he growls at you and flips you over to your stomach.

You giggle as he does so. "Are we going again?" you ask him with a breathy, sexy tone.

"Get your hand and knees.", Eddie demands lustfully. You do as you are told and get on your hands and knees. He slides his member inside you again and starts to play with your clit with his middle finger as he pumps in and out of you.

"Oh, Eddie! Keep going!" you scream as he pounds into you crazy fast. He bends over your back and lightly bites your neck. You lift one of your hands and put it into his hair and just grab it. He lifts you up and you basically sit on him as he still thrusts into you. "Oh my God!", you yell.

He turns your face toward his and kisses you hard. He is still rubbing your clit and thrusting into you. You are close to cumming again. "Do you want to cum, baby?" he whispers in your ear. You nod. "Then do it, baby. Cum for me. I want to feel it", Eddie whispered. You cum again all over him. He cums again shortly after you do.

You both collapse on the bed together, breathing heavily. "Oh my God, baby. That was amazing!" you say to Eddie as he runs his fingers down your bare back.

"You are worth it, y/n. I love you so much.", Eddie says as he kisses your neck. 

Best Friends to Lovers: A Lovers TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now