Chapter 9

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(Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault)

 You wake up from a sound sleep to a loud bang outside of the trailer. You look over at Eddie and see that he is still sleeping. You look over at the alarm clock, and it shows that it is 3 am (The Devil's Hour). You hear the loud bang again. You get up to go see what it is. You open the front door of the trailer and see a stranger creature tearing at a stray cat. It is ghostly white and looks slimy, and has a weird-looking head. You gasp when you see it. It hears you and starts to charge for you. You run screaming. Eddie jerks up from a sound sleep to hear you screaming. "Y/n!" he yells, looking for you.

You run into the woods to try and get away from it. You still hear it screeching behind you. You find a hollowed-out tree and climb inside until it passes and disappears into the tree line. Eddie comes running out of the trailer looking for you, worried you might be hurt. You are so scared you run out of the tree and run until you can't anymore. You run for what seems like hours until you come to a stop in front of Steve's house. You see that Steve's light is still on. You go knock on the door, hoping he will answer.

You continuously look around, hoping that thing isn't still around. Steve opens the door and sees you standing there, petrified. "Y/n, what are you doing here? What's wrong? You look absolutely petrified and freezing.", Steve asks you, pulling you inside.

"I'm sorry, Steve. I didn't. I had run this far. I woke up to this weird sound outside and saw this strange creature eating a stray cat. Its body was ghost white, slimy, and had a weird-shaped head. It heard me and chased me into the woods.", you explain to him. He pulls you into him and hugs you.

"It's ok. You are safe now. Does Eddie know you are here?" Steve says to you, still holding you. You shake your head, still scared out of your mind.

"I need to call him. He has to be so worried.", you say. Eddie is running through town looking for you.

"Y/n, where are you? Please don't be hurt.", Eddie yells, looking for you.

"Let me take you home. I don't think you will see that thing again.", Steve says, helping you out the front door. Then you see Eddie standing in the street.

"EDDIE!" you yell, running over to him and jumping into his arms.

"Oh, my little bat. You're ok. I was so worried about you. What happened?" Eddie says, looking at you and making sure you aren't. You explain to him what happened and that you ran all the way here without realizing it. "Thanks, Harrington, for making sure y/n was safe. I don't know what I would have done if she was.", Eddie says to Steve and shakes his hand.

"No problem, Munson. I'm just glad she is safe. Y/n, please be careful and don't go searching for where a sound like that comes from again. We would both lose our minds if something ever happened to you.", Steve responded. Eddie nods in agreement with Steve about you staying safe.

"Let's get you home, baby girl. See ya later, Steve.", Eddie says. Steve waves goodbye to you both. You are still shivering from the fear and the cold. "Baby, put this on.", Eddie says, putting his jacket on you. You walk home to the trailer. Eddie helps you inside. You sit down on the couch, still scared to death. "Are you ok little bat? Do you want anything? Beer, smoke, anything?" Eddie asks you, sitting down next to you, holding you close.

"Do you have anything stronger than beer?" you say, your voice shaking as you speak. Eddie nods and gets up to get you a glass and pours you some bourbon.

"Here you go, sweetheart. This should help.", he says, handing you the glass. You take it and drink from it, still shaking. "You are safe now, baby girl. Nothing can get you here. I will protect you forever and always.", Eddie says to you, holding you close and kissing the top of your head. You finish your glass of bourbon. "Let's go to bed, little bat. I will hold and not let go so you know you are safe and not in any danger.", Eddie says, helping you off the couch. He walks you to the bedroom and lays you down on the bed. He lays down next to you and pulls the covers over you since you are still shivering. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close.

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