Chapter 13: The End

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You pop a movie into the VCR, and you all sit around and watch. Nancy, Robin, and Steve are sitting on one couch, Dustin and Mike are sitting on the floor, and you and Eddie are cuddled up on the other couch. You feel your eyes start to get heavy. You fall asleep in Eddie's arms while watching the movie. He looks at Steve, who nods, knowing what Eddie is thinking.

They get up from their spots to leave. "Where are you 2 going?" Nancy whisper yells. They look at each other, deciding whether to tell her and the other where they are going.

"We will tell you where we are going, but don't tell y/n. I know she will follow. We don't want her to follow us.", Eddie said quietly, trying not to wake you. They all looked over at you, sleeping on the couch. "She is in a very delicate state. Mentally and physically, and I don't want anything to happen to her or the baby.", Eddie continued.

"You're going to find Billy, aren't you?" Dustin whisper yelled at Steve and Eddie. They nodded at him and told him to lower his voice. "Oh, right. Sorry. But why go looking for Billy? He is going to kill you both.", said Dustin.

"We need to get him before he gets y/n. There is no way we will let him hurt her. Plus, we can't let him find out about the baby. They are not safe.", Steve replied. Eddie and Steve got up to leave.

"Please be careful, guys. If anything happens to either of you, you know y/n will be crushed.", Robin said. They nodded and walked out the door.

Eddie's POV

You and Steve walk out of the trailer and to your van. "We need weapons to be able to defend ourselves against Billy. You know he isn't going to be unarmed.", Steve said.

"I know. There is one place we can go for weapons.", you respond. As you are about to get into your van, you see Max running toward you guys. "Max? What are you doing here?" you ask her.

"Is y/n ok? I know what Billy did. I knew he was arrested for sexual assault, but I didn't know it was y/n. Where is she?" Max said, trying to catch her breath.

"She's inside sleeping. You didn't know it was y/n that Billy raped?" you question her. She shook her head. "Go inside with the others. Just be quiet. I don't want her to know we are gone. She will lose her shit if she knows what we are about to do.", you explain.

"What are you about to do?" Max queried.

"I'm sorry, Max, but we can't let Billy get to y/n. We know he is your stepbrother, but we can't let him hurt her again. Not in the state she is in.", Steve says. Max's eyes grow wide, realizing what you are saying.

"Is y/n pregnant?" Max asks. You and Steve both nod to her. "Well fuck! Kill the bastard for all I care. We can't let him get away with what he did and what he wants to do.", Max shouted. You and Steve shush Max for being loud. "Right, sorry. I'm going inside now. The others are here, right?" she questioned. You both nod. Max goes inside with everyone else to keep y/n safe.

You and Steve get in the van and leave. You go to a store called the War Zone about 20 minutes outside of Hawkins. You both get what you need to defend yourselves against Billy. You and Steve drove around for a while until they noticed Billy's car in the parking lot of the Starcourt Mall. You pull into the parking lot to confront Billy. He notices you pulling into the parking lot and smirks.

"Munson and Harrington? So the whore sent her 2 lap dogs to do her dirty work.", Billy sneered.

"Fuck you, Hargrove! You aren't getting anywhere near y/n. We are here to protect her." Steve shouted at him. Billy smirked again. What you and Steve didn't realize was that Billy had a knife in his pocket, ready and waiting. Also, what Billy didn't know was that you guys were prepared yourselves.

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