Chapter 6

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 "Munson, where is y/n? I thought you two never each other's side.", Steve said to Eddie.

"She is at home sleeping, Harrington if you should know." Eddie snapped at him. He went to walk around Steve but was blocked by him.

"When you say home, do you mean her house or your place?" Steve asked.

"Mine, if you must know. Her mother kicked her out for being with me.", Eddie retorted. Steve looked at Eddie in shock.

"I thought she would have told me.", Steve said, feeling hurt.

"Yeah, well, she didn't. She is fine, and she is safe. That's all that matters.", Eddie said to Steve, glaring at him.

"You're right, Eddie, as long as she is safe and happy. I hope you are treating her right. She deserves the best of everything.", Steve said to Eddie, looking at him and getting upset that he couldn't be with you.

"I never thought you would say that. But I have to do what is right for her. I'm looking to get her a special gift. I got her a necklace the other day, but now I want to get her something with a little more meaning.", Eddie replied to Steve. He looks at Eddie, hoping he isn't about to say what he thinks he is about to say.

"Please tell me you are not about to get her a ring. You guys have only been together for a few days.", Steve says.

"So what if I am? We may have only been together for a few days, but I have known her for years and have been in love with her for years.", Eddie said back to Steve.

"I understand that, but so have I. I don't want to lose her.", Steve says.

"You do love her, don't you?" Eddie asked him.

"Yeah, I do. I know you do as well.", responds Steve.

"I guess I will hold off on what I was going to do, but I still want to buy the ring for her. I need to plan it out more anyway on how I will do it.", Eddie says to Steve.

"Thanks for that. I appreciate it. I want to hang out with her again if you allow it.", Steve says. Eddie nods in agreement to him. "Thanks, Eddie. Let y/n. I will call her later.", says Steve.

"I can do that for you, Steve. I'm headed to the jewelry store to pick out the ring. I will catch you later.", Eddie says, leaving Steve alone on the street.

"I can't believe he wants to propose to her already. It has only been two days since they started going out.", Steve thinks. He walks off and goes to work. Eddie walks to the jewelry store to buy a ring for you. He talks to the clerk and picks a call that suits you perfectly.

You wake up before Eddie gets home and wonder where he is. Just then, the door to the trailer opens, and Eddie walks in. "Oh hey, there, little bat. I thought you would still be sleeping.", Eddie said, seeing you up and sitting on the bed. He quickly hides what is in his hand so you don't see it.

"Where were you? I woke up, and you weren't here.", you say.

"I...uh...went for a walk into town. I ran into Steve while I was in town.", Eddie responds.

"You saw Steve? What happened? Were you two nice to each other?" you ask, worried they got into a fight over you.

"Yes, baby girl, I was nice. He wants to hang out with you soon. He is going to call to see when you want to hang out.", he says. You light up happy that your two best friends got along without you. You get up and hug Eddie tight.

"I love you, my crazy metalhead.", you say. He smiles at the new nickname you gave him.

"I love you too, my little bat, but way more.", Eddie says, squeezing you tight and kissing your forehead. Just then, the phone rings. Eddie answers, "Hello? Oh, Harrington, calling so soon. Baby girl, Harrington is on the phone for you."

Best Friends to Lovers: A Lovers TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now