Chapter 8

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"Well, I have to head to work now. You two be safe and enjoy yourselves.", Wayne said as he walked out the door. Eddie picks you up and twirls you around. You squeal with delight.

"I love you, my little bat. I can't wait for you to be my wife." Eddie sighs into your ear as he puts you down.

"I love you too, my metalhead god. I can't wait to be your wife. You make me so happy.", you say to Eddie as you are hugging him. Just then, there is a knock on the door. Eddie goes to answer it. He opens the door, and it is Steve. He sees the congratulations banner and roses everywhere. He knew what had happened. "Steve, what are you doing here?" you ask him. He doesn't say anything to you and turns and walks away. Eddie turns to look at you and gives you the ok to go after him and talk to him.

"Steve, wait! Where are you going? Talk to me, please.", you yell to him.

"You don't talk to me for 2 months, and now you want to talk. I came over here to apologize to you for what I did because I have thought about it constantly and realized how stupid I was to do that to you. Then I see the banner and roses. He asked you, didn't he?" Steve shouts at you. You step back from him he steps closer to you while he is shouting.

"Yes, Eddie did ask me. I said yes. He is everything to me. You know that. You are still one of my best friends. I can't lose you.", you shout back. You start to tear up as you are talking to Steve. Eddie is standing in the doorway of the trailer, hearing everything you and Steve are saying.

"You can't lose me? Are you serious? You just broke my heart. You may have lost me forever. I don't get why it had to be him. He isn't right for you.", Steve shouts at you, pointing to Eddie. He steps out of the trailer and walks over to you. He puts his arm around you to comfort you. "You see, y/n, you don't need me anymore. You haven't for 2 months. If you come into the video store, just don't talk to me. I can't do this with you anymore. I hope you are happy together.", Steve says as he sees Eddie glare at him.

"I think it is time for you to go, Harrington. You have upset y/n enough. I thought you just wanted her to be happy. Even if she is with me. You are supposed to be her best friend and be happy for her no matter what. Come on, little bat, let's get you inside.", Eddie says, shouting at Steve holding you close. Steve turns and leaves. You sob as you walk back into the trailer. "I'm so sorry, my little bat. He shouldn't have said any of that. Don't let Steve's bad mood spoil our special night.", Eddie says to you.

"I think I just want to lay down right now.", you say through sobs.

"Come on, baby girl. Don't do this. I know you are upset, but this night is supposed to be one we will never forget.", Eddie says, trying to comfort you.

"I don't think I will forget this night. Not after what just happened.", you sob. He pulls you close and rubs your back.

"It's going to be alright, my little bat. Let me run us a hot bath, and we can relax by candlelight and listen to music. Then we can watch horror movies all night. Does that sound alright to you?" Eddie said, hoping his idea would help you feel better. You nod in agreement. Eddie walks you to the bedroom and sits you down on the bed. "I'm going to go start the bath. You sit there, and I will be right back.", Eddie says.

Eddie goes into the bathroom and starts the tub. He lights candles and sprinkles rose petals into the water. He runs to the living room to grab the tape deck and some metal tapes. He sets it up on the sink. He puts in Iron Maiden but at a low volume. Eddie goes back into the bedroom to grab you. He sees you still sitting there with your face in your hands, and you are still sobbing.

He walks over to you and grabs your hands. "Little bat, everything is going to be ok. Look at your hand for me and tell me what you see.", Eddie says to you softly. You look at your left hand, staring at the engagement ring from Eddie.

Best Friends to Lovers: A Lovers TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now