The First Meeting

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Emily pulled up outside the Salvatore Boarding house and gazed through her car window at the familiar victorian building. She smiled to herself, remembering when she first came to this world...

Travelling from Hell isn't easy, especially for a worker demon. It usually involves some dark magic and the painful construction of a human body so that the demon can blend in. And this happens every time a demon comes to the surface, even if they've lived above ground before. Unfortunately, that construction doesn't include clothes.

Upon arrival, Emily appeared above ground surrounded by a ring of vibrant fire. Completely nude, Emily wasn't exactly sure where to go but when she stumbled into the road and almost got hit by a car, it was Damon Salvatore that rescued her. Together, he and his brother (Stefan) looked after Emily and welcomed her into their home giving her a roof over her head, food in her stomach and a family to love. Not long after meeting the rest of the crew, Emily revealed her true nature and since then she has been accepted as a part of the group.

Emily chuckled to herself and shook her head as she swiftly exited the car. She pulled out the keys from her pockets and strode up to the dark wooden door. When she unlocked it, she stepped inside and found it eerily quiet. At first, Emily thought that no-one was home but then she heard faint voices coming from the lounge.

Making her way over to the living room area, Emily saw a group of faces familiar to her that filled her heart with glee. Upon the sofa was Elena, snuggling up against Damon who had his arm around her shoulders. Caroline and Stefan were sat on the other sofa with space in between them for another person. Then Emily saw a face she didn't recognise.

The stranger's hair was dark brown like scorched earth after a destructive fire. His blue-grey eyes stared intensely back at Emily as if trying to intimidate her, conveying a range of contrasting emotions from sorrow and grief to arrogance and confidence. Emily was surprised that one man could hold all those emotions. Regrettably, she couldn't help but notice that he was attractive in an unusual and dangerous sort of way.

His mouth turned up at one of the corners into a smirk and when he spoke, his voice was calm yet sharp. "Hi, I'm Kai," he said as he lifted a hand and waggled his fingers at Emily like a young child would do to their parents.

Emily felt a sensation wash over her. It was familiar and yet she couldn't put a finger on it. As she was trying to pinpoint the strange feeling, Luke's voice echoed in her ears. "That, Emily, is my brother. Kai Parker. Leader of the Gemini Coven and..." Though no-one could hear him, Luke still leant in and whispered, "my killer."

Finally, it all clicked. The feeling she experienced, why it was so familiar; it was death.

Emily couldn't remember what happened next, exactly, except the fact that one minute she was stood with her mouth agape in complete shock and the next she had Kai against a wall, her hand gripped around his throat as she lifted him off the floor.

Though she could hear shuffling movement around her, Emily wasn't interested in anything but the killer before her. She kept her eyes level with his and she could see that her speed and strength had taken him by surprise. He also looked a little fearful. Emily liked that.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you, right here right now," she spat with venom clear in her voice.

Kai smirked again. "Oh, you must be Emily. I've heard so much about you."

Growling like a dog, Emily hoisted Kai up higher and tightened her grip. He struggled for air as she cut off his windpipe. She smiled, relishing in his pain and suffering. "Good, so you know what I can do. That makes this next bit," she pulled him in closer, "much more satisfying."

She saw his face drop in fear and chuckled. Then she bent her head towards his as if she were about to kiss him. Why? Well, this was her way of killing people. She would lean in as if to kiss them and then slowly suck their soul out. It was excruciatingly painful... For the victim.

For Emily? It was pure bliss. Food may be enough to keep her going, to sustain her, but absorbing souls and consuming them gave her her true powers. They were what she lived on. And the darker the soul, the tastier it was for her.

Around her, she could hear the others shouting her name and telling her to stop. She could even feel them trying to tear her off of Kai but it was useless. Emily was in demon mode which meant she was a lot stronger than any of them.

Just as she was about to devour Kai's soul, another voice spoke up. Somehow this voice broke through Emily's trance and brought her back to reality. Slowly, she turned to face the source.

Jo stood by the doorway, a determined expression adorning her face. "Emily, don't. Please," she said with courage. Alaric stood behind her, watching with a somewhat amused expression.

"Jo, he killed your brother!" Emily stated through gritted teeth.

"And if you kill him, you'll kill me and Liv." Jo sighed before continuing, "He's the leader of our coven. So if he dies, we all die." She shrugged as if it were no big deal but Emily could see the pain in her eyes. Jo wanted nothing to do with Kai and yet now, not only was he her brother but he was also her coven leader. Her life support.

There was silence as everyone watched Emily, waiting to see what she'd do next. She could feel their eyes on her, judging her. Sure, they were fine with who she was but that didn't mean they liked it or agreed with what she did.

Eventually, Emily sighed and dropped Kai to the floor. He collapsed in a heap and clutched his throat, coughing as he tried to catch his breath.

Emily left him there and strode over to Jo. "If that's true, then keep him away from me. Because I can't guarantee I won't kill him." She turned around to glare daggers at Kai but he smiled at her. That was not the reaction she wanted.

"Because if he so much as pisses me off, I will rip out his throat and then shove it back in." Emily snapped.

As she was marching over to the kitchen area, she heard Kai's annoyingly confident voice ring out from behind her, "Lovely to meet you too!" before slamming the door behind her.

She searched the kitchen for something to distract her. When she found some of Damon's favoured whiskey, she grabbed the bottle and headed back to join the others. She didn't particularly want to because Kai was there too but she had a feeling there was something more important going on and she wanted to be a part of it.

The conversation had seemingly continued after Emily disappeared because once she reemerged from the kitchen, Kai smirked at her and said something that shocked everyone in the room including Emily.

"Nah, I like her."

Emily wasn't sure if it was the snarky way he said it or the shit-eating grin on his face or even the fact that he was happy after she had just threatened him. Either way, Emily lost control and launched the bottle towards his handsome yet sickening face.

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