The Truth is Revealed...

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"Jeez, Em!" Kai rushed out of the doorway and over to Emily who was crumpled on the ground. Thankfully, he exhaled deeply when he saw her eyes fluttering open and her body already stiffening up as the life returned to her.

"Sorry, Kai, I-" Emily cut off her own sentence as she peered into the eyes of the man she loved. "Is that really you?" she asked, still unbelieving of the situation.

Perhaps the trip was a little rough for you...

"Of course, Emily. It's me." Kai smiled as Emily's dainty hand tenderly stroked his face. "But I have to say, you're just in time."

"In time for what?"


Before Emily could interject and ask exactly what Kai meant, he grabbed hold of her by the waist and hoisted her to her feet. Then, he wrapped an arm around her and lead her toward the house. Once over the threshold, he let go of her body but still kept her hand interlocked with his as he guided her through the lounge and into the dining room.

When Emily saw the table already set up for company, and more than just a couple of place settings were laid out, she stopped in her tracks and yanked her hand out from Kai's grip. "Are you serious?" she asked.

"Yes. Dinner is important-"

"Screw dinner!" Emily threw up her hands in exasperation as she stared at the clueless man in front of her. "I tried to release the Devil's daughter inside of me, I almost killed a man, and I sure as Hell risked my life to get here by almost releasing her again. But no, you don't care about that. You only care about some sodding dinner!" She tried to steady her voice but the pain she felt made its way through in the wavering, choked words she spoke.

Kai scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, what you do you want me to say, Emily? I'm making you dinner."

The demoness shook her head. "You expect me to believe that eight place settings are for just us two? Right..." She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. Was it just her or was her waist suddenly a lot skinnier?

"A 'nice to see you', or an 'I've missed you', would have been great to hear. Maybe even a hug. But I get nothing from you." Tears started to collect in her eyes. She couldn't believe that after everything she's been through, Kai wasn't sweeping her off her feet and embracing her and kissing her and-

I can. He's a human. Well, a witch but still a human. They're dumb...

Emily ignored the voice in her head and continued, "It's like you don't even care that I'm here right now. Like it's no big deal that I just travelled through the worlds to see you!" Emily's voice raised greatly. She couldn't help it. She was just so angry.

"Look, Emily, I'm sorry about- Wait... You can travel through worlds?" Kai said hopefully, lifting his gaze to finally meet her black eyes. Wait, since when did she have black eyes? "Emily, why are your eyes black?"

Emily's jaw dropped open as if she'd been slapped. "Hell, Kai! Were you not even listening to me? No, of course, you weren't. All you care about is yourself. And here I thought you'd changed..."

Told you. Humans equal dumbness. Also, forget the black eyes. It may be a mild, side-effect of the transformation... But anyway, let's go!

As much as it pained her to admit it, the demoness inside Emily was right. There was no point trying to appeal to a man that did not and would not ever love her the same way she loved him. "Wow, you are so infuriating. I came here for you but clearly, that was a mistake."

Emily turned to leave but she was stopped short when a strong hand grabbed her wrist and spun her back around. When her body was thrown off balance, she stumbled but only ended up landing more closely into the arms of the man she loved. She looked up into his mesmerising yet chilling eyes.

Kai couldn't let her go, not after she came all this way to see him. He still couldn't believe what she had done just to come to this world to be trapped with him. And yes, he was listening to her but the reason he didn't make a big deal of it is that he's never been confident in expressing his feelings. He'd lived on his own for eighteen years so when this beautiful, confident, stunning woman appeared in his life and was interested in him, he left him speechless. How could he tell such a remarkable woman that an unremarkable man like himself loved her?

"You just did..."

Kai blinked sluggishly as he slowly registered what just happened. When he finally caught up to the present, he peered down into the eyes of the woman he loved and smiled. "I love you." He lifted one hand to cup her chin and hold it there. His face was inches from hers. It was intoxicating to him.

"I love you, too."

The words invigorated them both and before they could think through their actions, they leant forward and crashed their lips together. Everything else in the world faded away. Nothing was important anymore. It was only this moment, this kiss, this feeling.

Unfortunately, Kai pulled away quicker than Emily would have liked. "We still have a dinner to prepare," he said. Though his tone was cold and distant, his smile was warm and loving. Then, he kissed her again. This time, it was on the forehead. And though it wasn't as steamy as the previous one, Emily still revelled in the affection behind it.

When they separated, Emily's eyes rested upon the table. "So, who are the other plates for?"

"Ah, yes! I wanted to show you something!" Kai took Emily's hand in his and led her out onto the back porch. Once outside, he picked up a nearby bell and rang it. "Come on then! Dinner time!" he shouted.

Emily watched in confusion at Kai's action but that soon turned to fear when she saw six black figures emerge from the foliage beyond the forest. "K-kai?" She stuttered, grabbing onto his arm and holding it tightly.

"It's okay, demon. They won't hurt you," the witch said, chuckling slightly. "as if they could though, right?" His smile dropped when he saw just how fearful Emily truly was. Though her eyes were black, he could still see the emotions behind them. And her body was shaking like a leaf. "Ho, hey, hey. It's okay." He drew her into a tight hug and enveloped his arms around her.

But even a loving hug couldn't soothe Emily's dread because it wasn't hers. It was the demoness inside her that was quaking at the sight of these heretics. When they walked past, Emily could feel the demoness shrink.

He doesn't know who they are. He doesn't know what they've done...

"Okay, let's get you inside, huh?" Kai moved away but kept one arm around her shoulder as he guided Emily back into the house.

She returned the smile but when she passed the heretics again, she couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right. If even her demon got scared, then these creatures were something to fear. Yet Kai was acting like they were friends. No, pets. If they were ever to get out...

Hell on Earth.

Kai led the trembling woman to the sofa in the lounge but when he looked at her, he saw something in her eyes that he didn't like: regret. Smirking to himself, he moved his hands down her body to lay upon her waist and used it to drag her skinny but curvy figure towards his. Then, he leant down and collided his lips with hers in a passionate exchange. As Emily gasped in shock at the directness of his actions, Kai took the opportunity to battle her tongue with his.

The intensity of the kiss, the strength of his hands, the structure of his body under his shirt; it was all too much for Emily. She felt like she was in a dream. A dream she didn't want to wake up from...

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