The body

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-Y/N's pov-

Me and Mike sit in the basement on the couch, Mike is going through pictures that Will drew. I'm looking for 'should I stay or should I go' Will's favorite song.

As I dig through my bag, headphones wrapped around my neck, walkman sitting beside me we hear El messing with Mike's walkie.

Dustin and Lucas brought her back, along with my bike that I left behind

"Can you please stop that." Mike spoke aggressively towards El. She ignored him and kept messing around "Are you deaf!?" Mike paused "I thought we were friends, Yknow? Friends tell eachother the truth, and they definitely don't lie to eachother!"

"Mike-" I started

"shut up Y/N" Mike glanced at me and back to El "You made me think Will was ok! That he was still out there but he wasn't! He wasn't! Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't. You hurt me, do you understand? What you did sucks"

"Michael-" he ignored me

"Lucas was right about you all along"

The static from the radio filled our ears, then the static broke "Oh, let me know should I stay or should I go. Should I stay or should I go now" Will was singing the exact song I was digging in my bag for

Me and Mike stopped what we were doing and turned to El, getting up and quickly walking over "Should stay or should I go now" Will sang, a wave of hope washed over me as Mike took the walkie from El.

"If I go there will be trouble, if I stay it will be double" He sang. Quickly Mike started to speak "Will is that you!? It's Mike and Y/N! Do you copy?"

Weird messed up static sounded "Will are you there!? Will!" Mike lowered the walkie as I talked to El

"Was that-? Was it?-"

"Will" She said softly smiling as blood dripped from her nose


As I get ready in my room I hear mom knock on Mike's door, she's probably coming for me next.

After about 5 minutes she came in my room, I was sitting on the bed when she opened the door

"Hey hun, how are you feeling?" She asked sitting next to me

"I can't go to school today, but I need to go see Dustin. He called me earlier, he doesn't want to be alone right now" I lied

"That's ok, if that's what you think is best for you right now" she said rubbing my back, she went on to tell me about her going to Barb's house or something then she left

Quickly I grabbed my bag and heard Mike calling for Lucas on our walkies

He got Lucas on but Lucas was not having any of it, they talked as I leaned out my door making sure mom wasn't in the hallway, as I saw that it was clear I walked out of my room and entered Mike's

"No not about his funeral! Screw his funeral!" Mike said into the walkie

"What?" Lucas asked

"Get over here stat, and bring Dustin. Over and out" Mike closed the antenna and looked at me


We're sitting in a circle Mike, Lucas, Me, then Dustin just listing to Will cry over the walkie

"We keep losing signal, but you heard him right?" Mike looked at both boys

"Yeah, I heard a baby" Lucas looked at Mike

"What?" I asked turning my head to look at him

"You obviously tapped into a baby monitor. It's probably the Blackburn's next-door" Lucas rolled his eyes.

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