E Pluribus Unum

667 20 22

-Y/N's pov-

Dustin looked at me then Steve and in unison all 3 of us spoke quietly "The gate."

"I don't understand. You've seen this before?" Robin asked as we ran down  the stairs

"Not exactly." I said

"Then what exactly?"

"All you need to known is it's bad." Dustin said grabbing my hand and picking up his pace

"It's really bad." Steve added

"Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." Dustin explained

"And you know about this how?" Robin questioned

"Umm, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica asked

We all looked down to where he was just moments ago, then lights started flashing red and an alarm went off

Steve ran to the door and looked out for a second only to slam it shut quickly.

"Shit. Go, go, go, go, go!" Steve yelled as we ran

We went through a different room with Russians chasing us, then we went into the room with the gate in it. Every person in there looked at us but we ran down the stairs

Dustin shrieked and pushed a Russian out the way, we all followed

Dustin cursed about a thousand times while I looked around "Steve! That way!" I shouted

We took off again into another room, Steve and Robin holding the door closed

Me, Dustin, and Erica headed for a vent. Erica and Dustin got through before I could even get halfway in the vent

"Y/N hurry up!" Steve yelled at me

I began to crawl down into the vent but Steve and Robin were thrown down to the ground and guards rushed in


"Get off of me!" I struggled as two guards held me up

They kept walking towards a door, taking me in and throwing me to a chair in the corner of the room and tying me up. There where two other chairs in the middle of the room, one had Steve in it knocked out, the other waiting for Robin.

The guards had been pretty rough with me, asked me some dumb questions about who I work for and then hitting me for 'lying'

Left me with a bloody nose and a black eye

"Get your hands off me!" Robin yelled as guards brought her in

"Y/N! Are you ok? Is Steve ok?" Robin shouted as they put her in her chair

"Steve isn't awake."

A guard tied them together and the guy that seemed to be the leader walked over to Steve "I think your friend need a doctor. Good thing we have the very best."

He started laughing and other guards joined in. Robin spit in his face putting a stop to the laughing.

"You're going to regret that sukha."

They left and Robin started shouting. I closed my eyes, thinking about going to that void place. Then I was just there.

I thought about El then she appeared in front of me. She was in the best outfit I'd ever seen her in. She had no shoes on, she must've been trying to find someone in this place

"El. Can you hear me?" I said softly

"Y/N? How--"

"El, if you can hear me we need help. Starcourt mall. Find Dustin." I said firmly then she disappeared and I opened my eyes.


"Help!" Robin yelled

"Hello!?" I yelled

"hey, would you two stop yelling?" Steve mumbled

"Steve! Oh my god!" Robin sighed

"Steve. Are you ok?" I asked

"My ears are ringing, I can't really breathe, and my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull. Other than that I'm doing pretty good." Steve explained

"Well, good news is that they're calling you a doctor." Robin chuckled

"Is this his place of work? I love the vibe. Charming." Steve joked

Me and Robin chuckled "Yeah tell me about it. So, ok, do you see that table over there to your right?" Robin asked

Steve looked to his left "No your other right." I said


"Yeah, okay. And you see those scissors?" Robin asked


"I think if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them unto your lap."

"And I could cut the binds." He finished

"Yeah, and we could get out of here."

I sat and watched as they jumped in sync twice, getting way to excited. They jumped one more time then fell over. I sighed and closed my eyes listening as they talked about some class.

A buzzer sounded after a while and the guy from earlier walked in "Where were you two going?"

This time there was a new guy, a bald guy in a white lab coat. He pulled out a bunch of stuff. He walked over to Steve with, something in his hand

"Wait a second- wait wait wait wait; what is that thing?"

"It will help you talk." The man stuck a needle in Steve's face then to me and Robin


After a while of sitting there we finally started talking

"I don't really feel anything. Do you?" Steve asked

"I mean, I feel fine. I feel normal." Robin said

"yeah, I feel fine. I kinda feel good." Steve sorta mumbled

They both started chuckling "How about you Y/N?" Steve asked

"I feel funny. Yeah..funny." I laughed

"Wanna know a secret? I like it, too!" Robin laughed

We all laughed "Morons. they messed up the drug."

"They messed it up!"

Steve and Robin kept calling the Russians morons but I watched as color and light spun around the room.

I couldn't even comprehend basic words, I knew people were talking but all I could hear was gibberish until I heard his name

"uh, well Dustin knows." Steve said

"Steve!" Robin gasped

"Where's Dusty?" I asked

"Not here. But yeah, Dustin Henderson knows." Steve nodded, I think?

"Steve!" Robin groaned

"Dustin henderson. It is your small curly haired friend?" The russian man asked

"Yeah! Great hair. Beautiful hair." I smiled

"Where is he?" The man asked Steve

"Oh he's long gone, you big asshole. And he's probably calling Hopper, and Hoppers calling the US cavalry" Steve laughed "they're gonna come in here commando-style, guns a-blazin', and kick your sorry asses back to russia"

"Is that so?" The guy asked confidently, then an alarm went off

After a minute of us just laughing Dustin rushed in and hit the doctor guy with some taser thingy

"Dust!" I smiled

"That's crazy I was just talking about you." Steve laughed

"Get ready to run." Dustin said untying the two

Erica walked over to me and untied me "Hi Erica" I smiled


-1124 words. Y'all are magical now-

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