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-Y/N's pov-

"she's in." Steve said as we watched Max walk into the Ms Kelly's house.

"I can see that, Steve." I crossed my arms from the back seat

"I'm missing collar bones not eyes." Dustin looked at him

"Soooo," I started as I looked at Steve 

"We gonna talk about it?" Dustin asked

"Talk about what?" Steve looked at us

"your temporary insanity earlier today." Dustin crossed his arms. Steve looked at him confused

"When you basically threw yourself at my sister." I added

"Okay, first ok all. That's not what happened."

"Yeah, it is!" I nodded quickly

"It's was pretty public. There were a lot of witnesses." Dustin added

"Are you implying that I still have a thing for Nance?" Steve sat forward in his seat and looked at me then back to Dustin

"We aren't implying anything." Dustin responded before looking at me

"We're stating." I leaned back in my seat as Dustin and Steve bickered. The topic of why steve won't date Robin came up

"Ok, that is not the reason." Steve said quickly

"Oh! That's what you were talking about in the bathroom that one time when we got kidnapped by russian spys!" I shouted in realization

"Yeah. Whatever. As for Nance, I was just trying to protect a friend." Steve leaned back in his seat. Me and Dustin smiled and nodded "A friend, dip shits! Okay?"

"Okay." Dustin smiled

"I don't wanna find her with her eyes sucked out of her face by that Vecna creep!"

"You're like bright red in the face right now." I laughed

"I'm not. I don't wanna talk about it." Steve argued. Dustin kept smiling "I'll punch you so hard in the face your teeth will fall back out."

"Whoa. Too far." Dustin said as Steve looked at him

"too far, man." I said leaning forward a bit

"not cool. Sorry!" Steve said quickly

"Not cool. It's okay." Dustin shrugged before they fist bumped

I gasped "Holy shit! Steve! Is that Nancy running!"

"What!?" Steve shouted as he sat up in his seat. I started cackling in the backseat

"Alright, shit head! In gonna re-sprain your ankle!" Steve shouted at me before max got in the car.

"Steve, drive!" max shouted as she closed the door. Steve drove off


"Dustin, Do you copy?" Lucas sounded over my radio

"Lucas? Where the hell have you been?" I asked

"Y/N? Y/N! Just listen. Are you guys looking for Eddie?"

"We found him, no thanks to you."

"You found him?"

"He's at a boathouse on Coal Mill Road. He's safe."

"You know he killed Chrissy, right?"

"That's bullshit. Eddie tried to save Chrissy."

"Then why do all the cops say he did it?"

"Seriously, you're so behind it's ridiculous. Meet us at the school. We'll explain later."

"I can't. I think some real bad shit's about to go down."

"What are talking about? What bad shit?"

No answer. Just static

"Lucas? Lucas! Hello? God dammit sinclair!" I threw my walkie to the floor


I ran down the dark school hallway, about 30 feet in front of Dustin and Steve.

"Dustin! Get off the walkie!" I shouted quickly following max into Ms Kelly's office

"Holy shit." I said as I went through folders "Fred was seeing Kelly too." quickly I opened Fred's folder as Max took Chrissy's. I read about him being in a car crash, it flashed through my head, Fire, people crying and screaming. But he survived. I threw the folder onto the table Max sat at.

"I'm thinking there's a common link here. trauma, meaning any of us could be the next victim." I crossed my arms

"Wonderful." Steve sighed sarcastically

We all stood looking over Max's shoulder as she read papers, then her eyes rolled in to the back of her head

"Dammit! Max! Hey!" I kneeled down to look up at her

"Shit! Max!" Steve shook her shoulders

"Max, wake up! Dammit!" I yelled as I stood up and shook her

Then her eyes rolled back, she looked around and gasped. The boys questioned her as I looked out the doorway.

"ʏ/ռ. ʏօʊ ċǟռ't ֆtօք ʍɛ ʄʀօʍ ʍǟkɨռɢ ʏօʊʀ ʟɨʄɛ ɦɛʟʟ." The deep voice called from the hallway. I pushed past Dustin and stood in the middle of the hallway, looking down at the end. All of a sudden I felt like I need to go somewhere.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Dustin called

I ignored him and walked down the hall, making a right and looking at a wall. Something about the wall was pulling me in.

"That's where I saw the clock." Max explained to Steve as they walked. up behind me

"You saw a clock here?" I turned to her


I stared at it, imagining the wall broke with a clock inside it. Or maybe the clock against it. Why a clock? Max and Steve called my name, trying to take my focus off the wall for a minute.

I felt Dustin grab my arm and pull me backwards "Y/N."

"huh?" I kept my gaze on the wall before looking at him "What?"

"You gotta listen to all of this, it's important." he said as he stepped next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders in an attempt to keep my gaze off the wall.



-Ha. Clif hanger sentence. >:) in all seriousness it's 1 am, the weekend, my first friday home from school. I'm about to pass out. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter out tomorrow night.-

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