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"Dustin!" I laughed as I chased him around the lunch table

"You can't catch me!" he laughed holding up my hat in the air

"Dust, please give it-" I was cut off by the floor rushing up to meet just before the world went black. The last thing I heard was Dustin shouting "Shit! Y/N!"


I woke up in my basement with a group of people surrounding me, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Steve. Everything was spinning, my head felt like it was going to burst open, my eyes felt like they would pop, I felt weak. "Y/N?" Dustin asked from in front of me "Hey love." he smiled as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Dust? What- uh..what happened?" I asked as I sat up slowly, my voice was low.

"You fainted in the cafeteria earlier. Do you know any reason why that would happen?" Mike sat at my feet on the couch.

I sighed as I looked down at my hands "Remember when I stopped eating?" I looked up around the room as everyone nodded "Well ever since school started it's been getting worse and I can't turn it off this time." I didn't look at anyone

"Y/N, how long has this been going on?" Steve asked

"Since summer." I looked up again, his face said it all he was disappointed in me. After all we had worked for that year it just came back. Then I looked at Lucas, he looked angry. Angry at me for being like this. Then I looked at Mike, he seemed upset it was happening. After looking around I finally looked at Dustin. He seems hurt, I was hurting him.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Dustin asked as he rubbed circles on one of my hands

"I don't- I don't know." tears stung as they began falling "You're all mad at me?" I asked as I looked back at Steve then Mike then Lucas.

"No. Y/N, nobody's mad at you." Mike smiled sadly

"Yes you are." I sobbed as I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my head on them

"Y/N listen to me." Steve pleaded with me I just shook my head

"Y'all just think I'm a stupid kid doing this for attention, don't you?" I sobbed again

"Nobody thinks that." Lucas said as he sat on the floor next to Dustin

"Then why did you guys look at me like that?" I asked with a shaky voice

"Because we want to help you get better, were sad for you, Y/N." Mike spoke as he moved at the other end of the couch

"Y/N, look at me." Dustin said as he sat in front of me on the couch. I did as he said "We love you Y/N. I love you. We want to help you get better, ok?" I nodded "But you have to tell us when stuff like this happens, you can't ride it out like a small bump in the road. Do you understand what I'm saying here?"

I nodded with a sad smile as I wiped tears off my face "I'm sorry." he cupped my face with his hands "Don't ever apologized for this." I nodded again

"Y/N, were gonna let you rest up and come back tomorrow to work on this some. Ok?" Steve said as he stood up


Steve, Lucas, and Mike stood up and left.

Dustin and I laid down on the couch, my head was in his chest as we watched TV. I could hear his heart beat and feel his chest rise and fall as he breathed, it was calming. He played with the dead ends of my hair between his fingers as I traced little shapes over his chest with my finger. "Guess what shape this one is." I said softly before tracing out a square "Uhhh, triangle?"





"Yes!" I laughed

We stayed like this all night and after that I told Dusty everything.

-That was a short and sad one y'all 😭😭 literally crying rn-

No Longer Alone Together || Dustin henderson x Fem reader Where stories live. Discover now