Trick or treat, freak

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-yall I hate to do this to you but I'm going to describe your Halloween costume now instead of later so you can change it if you want. It's really just a white long sleeve shirt with puff sleeves, you put chains and extra little pieces of fabric on it. You're shorts will be ripped and white but you can't wear them to school because the rips are to high up according to Karen. You have a back up sheet but you decide not to use it because it'll get caught in your bike tires.-

-Y/N's pov-

I've been thinking, and Mike has been acting all obsessed with El ever since the night they asked us all a bunch of questions. He claims he saw El outside, im not saying I don't believe him but he seriously needs to figure out how to hide emotion from detectives.

"Y/N!" Mike called out from the hallway

"What!?" I yelled back

"Are you getting ready?"

"Uhh- Yeah--! Yeah! Give me a minute!"

I grabbed a sheet that Mike helped me cut holes into. Why am I doing this

I wanted to dress up as a haunted doll, or some horror movie character but Mike said I had to match the party. So I half-assed it for school.

I put on a pair of long white socks, then I remembered the real costume I was wearing for actual trick or treating. It's a home made costume but mom won't let me wear it to school.

"Mike! Come here!" I shouted waiting for him to open the door


"I can't wear my actual costume."


"So I'm not wearing one to school."

"Whatever. You'll be missing out."


Clicks and flashes flood my ears and vision. Mom is going picture crazy over Mike's Ghostbuster costume.

"Y/N when you get home I need to get pictures of you" Mom looked disappointed to see me in my normal clothes

"Ok. Can Dustin come hang out before trick or treating?" I asked not making eye contact

"Yeah, I'll take some pictures of you together." She smiled

"Ok, mom. Can we go to school now?" Mike asked

"One more!"

"You said that 20 pictures ago!" I said beginning to walk out the door

"Mom can I go to school now?" I heard Mike whine from inside

After another 5 pictures mom finally let us leave. And of course the boys had to be dorks and sing Ghostbusters on the way to school.

We did have to stand outside and listen to Lucas and Mike argue about who was Venkman. Though I zoned that bs out

"Pft- uhm, guys" I interpreted the arguing

"What Y/N?" Mike snapped

"Look" I snickered

Nobody else was in costumes, the boys where in horror. I struggled not to laugh as they stood behind me, their jaws hanging.

I looked at Mike "yOu'lL bE mIsSiNg oUt" I mocked his words from earlier and he rolled his eyes


As we walked through the hallway kids laughed.

"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" A kid shouted

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