Richie, do you copy?

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-I don't know where I got this idea for Dustin's friend, but I did a lil cross over >:)

-Y/N's POV-

The summer of 85! Finally! Everything's been going good for a whole year, Mike and El are dating so are Lucas and Max. The best part is that me and Dustin are dating too. Speaking of Dustin, today is the day he gets back from camp, and I get to go with Mrs Henderson to pick him up.

"Y/N! We've gotta hurry! They can set it up themselves!" Mrs Henderson called from the font door

"Coming Mrs Henderson!" I shouted running out of Dustin's room, grabbing my bag on the way "Sorry!"

I ran to the car quickly as she was already outside and starting the car by the time I was out the door


We'd been driving for nearly two hours and we've finally just arrived. I quickly opened the car door and stood out by the front of it.

"You're really excited, huh?" Mrs Henderson asked as she stood on the other side of the car

"Mhm!" I noded my head violently then looked around for Dustin in the crowd of science nerds.

I spotted him walking over smiling at me, before I could think my legs sprung into action. I ran at him as fast as I could, he let go of his bags and caught me spinning us around in the process. A welcomed warmth spread through my chest and through my arms all the way to my toes.

"Jeez I missed your dorky smile" I laughed

"Oh, it's dorky, huh?" He smiled and put me back on the ground. He connected our lips in a sweet and passionate kiss

"I've been wanting to do that all camp." he sighed and picked up his bags again

"C'mon" I said walking backwards towards the car

"Did Steve get a job?" He followed me

"Not telling." I turned on my heal and kept walking

"Wow, I see how it is" He said dragging out the W's in 'wow'


"This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over." Dustin repeated for the millionth time in the last 5 minutes

"Dust, knock it out." I whined slouching in my seat

"I repeat: this is goddamn Gold Leader--" Dustin yelled into the mic

"Dusty!" Mrs henderson shouted

"What?" He shouted annoyed

"Relax! For goodness sake." She kept her eyes on the road

"I'm in range. They should be answering." Dustin replied

"They're probably sneaking into another movie, and Mike's probably sucking face with El." I lied, knowing what's coming when we get back

"so they forgot about me?" He turned to me

"I don't know. Want me to smack 'em for you?" I joked


"No, Y/N will not be smacking anyone." Mrs Henderson interrupted


Dustin sat on his bed and put his hand to his face

"C'mon love, I'm sure they didn't forget about you." I sat next to him

Dustin looked at Yurtle's new tank as he turned his head "at least someone's happy I'm home"

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