The Creel House

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-Y/n's pov-

"You're lucky, Y/n. I didn't get Max this time. Just you wait." Vecna's voice boomed through my head

"Dammit! Why can't I get El!" I whispered. I've been trying to find El, Will, and Mike ever since we got back home and everyone passed out.

I opened my eyes and looked at Dustin, he's sleeping peacefully.

"Hey, Dustin, Y/N, this is Eddie the banished. You there?" Eddie's voice broke the silence. I moved Dustin's arms off of me carful not to wake him and grabbed the walkie

"Earth to Dustin."

"Hey, it's Y/N." I said quietly trying not to wake anyone

"Wheeler! Hey! Um, I'm gonna need a food delivery, and uh, put Steve or someone on."

"I can't put--"

"Y/N, give me the com." Nancy said as she sat up

I shrugged and crawled over to Dustin, laying my head on his shoulder. Only to be disturbed by Nancy

"Dustin! Wake up!" Nancy said shaking his shoulders causing him to groan "Aren't you supposed to be on max watch?"

"Yep. Yep, yep, yep. Sorry." he rubbed his eyes

"Then where is she?"

"She's right there- a second ago. I swear, I dozed off for..." Dustin lowered his voice "..An hour."

Nancy made a weird face in reaction

"Nancy stop making faces, she went upstairs earlier."

"Have you been awake all night?" Dustin asked as Nancy ran up the stairs

"Maybe." I shrugged and stood up, following Nancy. Dustin followed me

"Good morning guys. Everything ok?" Mom asked as we walked into the kitchen. There max was at the kitchen table.

"Yeah, everything's fine mom." I smiled before smacking Nancy's arm

"I think it's so sweet you guys are sticking together like this."

"Could try sticking together at a different house for a change." Dad looked up from his news paper

Mom turned to Dustin "You know you're welcome anytime."

"Totally. You're like family." Dustin walked over to the counter "May I?" he pointed at a plate of pancakes

"Absolutely." mom handed him a plate

"Yeah, why not? Take us for all we're worth." Dad looked at him

"Okay." Dustin said cheekily, he started taking a bunch of pancakes off the plate

"Father, stop terrorizing my boyfriend." I said before walking over to the kitchen table

I listened to Max explain what she saw last night, how she went somewhere she probably wasn't supposed to be.

"--When I made it here, I don't know, something was different. He seemed surprised almost. Like he didn't want me there."

"Maybe you infiltrated his mind." Dustin offered as he sat down "He invaded your mind, right? Is it that big a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his?"

"Like Freddie Krueger's boiler room." I chimed in

"Freddie Krueger?"

"He's this--" Dustin began to explain

"Okay! Let's not ruin my little sister, k?" I covered his mouth and he nodded. I took my hand away from his face and grabbed one of his pancakes

"Just, think about it. What if you somehow unlocked a back door to Vecna's world?" Dustin looked at Max "Like, maybe the answer were looking for is in this incredibly vague drawing." He picked up a paper from the table "God, we need Will."

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