The Flea and the Acrobat

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We came back home a while ago, but Mike won't shut up. I can't even sit in my own couch. El is laid across the couch and Mike is sitting by her feet.

"What was Will saying?" Mike asked his arms crossed "Like home. Like home, but dark" he stood, his arms still crossed

"And empty." Lucas said

I sighed, this is to much for kids to handle. "Empty, and cold"

"Wait did he say cold?" Dustin asked from beside me

"I don't know, the stupid radio kept going in and out." Lucas explained

"It's like riddles in the dark" Dustin looked up as I sighed

"Like home.' like his house?" Mike paced around

"Or maybe like hawkins" Lucas looked at Mike

"Upside-down" El whispered

"What'd she say?" Lucas looked at me

"Upside-down" I whispered

"What?" Lucas asked

"Upside-down!" Mike walked over to the bored El messed with previously when she explained Will was alive

"When El showed us where will went she flipped the bored over. Remember?" I said getting up and walking over, the other 2 boys following

"Upside-down" Mike said flipping the bored again "Dark, empty."

"do you understand what they're saying?" Lucas looked at Dustin

"No." Dustin spoke then glanced at me

"You guys, come on just think about it." Mike said as the boys sat down

"When El took us to find Will she took us to his house right?" I said crossing my arms and standing behind Dustin's seat

"Yeah." Lucas looked at me then Mike "and he wasn't there."

"What if he was there" Mike said

"What if we just couldn't see him?" I added

"What if he was on the other side" Me and Mike said together

"What if," Mike flipped the bored right side up "This is Hawkins" He flipped it again "And this is where will is." he tapped the bored

"The upside-down" I said for him

"Like the Vail of shadows" Dustin looked from Mike to Lucas then back

We looked at eachother then paused

Dustin grabbed our d&d book and flipped pages "The vail of shadows, it's a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world" He read

"It is a place of decay and death, a plane that is filled with monsters. It is right next to you and you don't even see it" I read over is shoulder

"An alternate dimension" Mike whispered in realization

"But how do we get there?" Lucas asked

"We cast shadow walk" Dustin said straight-faced

"In real life idiot!" I pushed his head forward to annoy him

"we can't shadow walk but..maybe she can" Dustin looked at El causing is to look at her

"Do you know how to get there? To the upside-down" Mike asked her

She shook her head no and me and Lucas groaned

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