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-Y/n's pov-

I grabbed a broom from a corner and shoved it through the gate, knocking all the slime and gross shit off. There, in the roof of Eddie's trailer, was Steve, Robin, Eddie, and Nancy.

Dustin laughed and waved "Hi there!"

"Hi Steve!" I shouted

"Hi." he whispered in amazement

"Hi!" The rest of them shouted back, laughing

"Eddie, do you have any sheets?" I asked quickly

"In the closet, down the hall to the left. My room is to the right, grab my mattress."

"Dustin, Lucas. Go get the mattress." I said quickly before running down the hall and into the closet with max and Erica following. After a minute Me, Max, and Erica were walking back down the hallway to be met with the boys putting the mattress on the floor.

"I uh--.. I don't know what those stains are.." Eddie told Robin

The boys put down the mattress and we all started tying together the sheets. As Dustin tied the last one I walked over to the mini gate.

"We're gonna throw over the sheets, use it to land on the mattress." I smiled, unsure of the stability it'll have. Dustin did just that.

"Pull on it! See if it holds!" He shouted

After a minute Robin was on her way over.

"Oh my god!" she shouted as she fell to the mattress, she sat up gasping. "That was fun."

We pulled her off the mattress and then Eddie was on his way.

"That..was fun. Shit." I pulled him off the mattress and into a hug.

"Thought we lost you guys." I smiled

Suddenly I was zoned out into some weird dark place. I saw Nancy fall in front of me.

"Nancy!" I shouted, she couldn't hear me. She was in pain.

I looked around and realized that we're in a pool.

"Vecna, you son of a bitch!" I screamed. I watched Nancy walk over to a pile of black vines

There in the pile was a gross, dead, decaying Barb. Something fell out of her mouth as Nancy backed up and screamed.

"Do you remember what you did, Nancy?" a deep voice asked, Vecna "Or have you already forgotten?"

Flashes of the night Barb died blurred my vision

"When I kill someone I never forget."

Blood started filling the pool

"Nancy!" I shouted and ran at her. I tried to grab her, tried to tell her that I'm here, that she's not alone, but I just fell though her and onto the ground. "No!" I shouted as I snapped back into reality.

I sat there on the floor, gasping for air. Dustin dropped whatever he had in his hands and ran to me, he wrapped his arms around me.

"What's going on?" he asked

"He's going to kill her!" I looked up at him to be met with Vecna's face "No.."

I stood up shakily and backed away.

"No.. No. No. No. No!" I shouted and closed my eyes as he pushed me back. I fell into a wall and opened my eyes back up. I was in the kreel house. A family walked in, Victor's family.

I could see them talking but there was no noise. A girl ran up the stairs, what I assume to be her brother stood behind his parents.

The scene slowly shifted to show this kid walk into a bathroom and open the vent. He stuck his hand in and pulled out a black widow. Suddenly he was gone and a figure raced past the door frame. I turned and followed, it was him. I followed him to the attic where he had jars of spiders. He started to draw a black widow before it shifted again. He slowly walking up to a grandfather clock.

This kid is Henry Kreel. Vecna is Henry.

I heard a distorted clock chime before the hands on it started to move backwards.

I turned around and I was outside, I saw a rabbit caught in a trap. Henry bent down and out his hand over it, the rabbit squealed in pain.

"Stop!" I shouted as I backed away and into the door of the house. I ran in and saw the family at the dinner table. One bye one each family member flew to the roof and crumbled. Leaving only Victor and Henry

It shifted again to see Brenner and Henry. Brenner was tattooing the numbers '001' on Henry. "All done. Not so bad, was it? There's nothing to be afraid of. Is there, Y/n?" Brenner looked at me "Why don't you take a seat?"

"No!" tears fell down my cheeks as I backed into a wall and fell to the ground. The light went out and after a minute came back on. I was strapped into the seat. Vecna was walking closer to me but I heard music

Should I stay or should I go

I felt hands on my shoulders shaking me "Y/n! Y/n! Wake up! Y/n, I need you to wake up! I love you, y/n! Wake up!" it was Dustin, I could hear him crying. I looked up. "Y/n.."

"Are you-.." I put my hand to his face "You're real?.." I threw myself into his arms and hugged him tightly. I cried into his shoulder. "I love you too." I whispered. We sat like this for a minute before I looked up "Nancy. Where's Nancy?"

I stood up quickly and saw her sitting down "Nancy, did you see it all? Did you see Henry?" I asked as I hugged her

"You saw it?" she asked

"he shows me all his kill attempts."

"What's going on?" Steve asked.

I looked at Nancy


-This is probably one of my favorite chapters now. It's the first 'I love you' :) btw sorry for any mistakes bc I'm on my computer again-

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