- Bonus chapter -

808 20 34

Y/N's pov:

I rolled over in my bed as Dustin's voice sounded on my walkie

"Y/N, you copy?" he asked

"Mmmmmm-hmmmm" I hummed tiredly

"I-- Did you just wake up?" he cut himself off

"What time is it?" I asked quickly sitting up and looking at my clock "ONE IN THE AFTERNOON!? SHIT!"

I heard him chuckle on the other end as I got up and rushed to my closet, I ran back to the walkie "I'm so, so, so, so sorry. I was up all night reading again. But I swear, I'm going to this date."

"Y/N, I can postpone it again. It's nothing that special." he said

"No. No. Uhm, I'm getting ready right now. Uhm, just come over and tell my mom you're waiting on me." I said quickly before I turned it off

I ran to my closet and grabbed my black tank top, I threw it on my bed and ran over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of jean shorts. I threw them on quickly and ran to the bathroom.

"Shit, Mike! Hurry up!" I shouted banging on the door

"Hold on!" he shouted back

"Michael! I'll ruin you in two seconds if you aren't out that bathroom in .5  seconds!" I shouted

He opened the door "Jeez, go! Apparently I can't take a piss in peace!" he complained as he walked into his room

"Blah blah! Shut your mouth for a second will ya?" I rolled my eyes playfully before shutting the bathroom door

I brushed my teeth and put deodorant on, I brushed and styled my hair quickly.

"Y/N! Hurry up! It's been twenty minutes!" Nancy shouted through the door

"Two seconds!" I shouted fixing my hair a bit

"Now!" She shouted back

"Two goddamn seconds!" I yelled as I opened the door and ran past her. I ran into my room and put on black knee high socks with two white stripes at the top. I put my Converse on quickly and threw my bag over my shoulder.

I ran down stairs and into the kitchen

"Oh, Y/N. I made you toast." mom said turning to me

I grabbed a piece of toast and hugged mom "Hi mommy. Bye mommy." I ran outside and grabbed my skate bored

"Perfect timing." Dustin said as he pulled up to the house on his bike

"Yeah? That's because I'm perfect." I smiled before taking a bite of my toast

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded and got on my skate bored.


"Ok, promise you won't tell anyone about this." Dustin said as he guided me

"Ok, I won't. I don't see why you had to blind fold me though." I sighed

He stopped and took the blind fold off of me "Your shed?" I questioned

"Go in the shed." he smiled eagerly


"Go in the shed." he pushed me a bit

"Ok, I'm going in the shed." I walked  up to the shed door and pushed it back slowly. And what I saw was amazing.

The shed was decorated, christmas lights hanging around the top, blankets, pillows and cushions covered the floor. To the left there was a boom box on a small shelf, the shelves were full of cassettes, all my favorite songs. And to the right was a book shelf all the way up to the ceiling, there was every horror book I'd ever talked about and more.

I took a step in and stared, taking it all in.

"You like it?" Dustin asked as he walked up behind me

"Like it? I love it." I turned to him

"I'm glad. Look, you see that book there." he pointed to the bookshelf. I turned to face it and looked for the book he was pointing at. There it was, a book on sharks. Not a horror book.

"You know what?" I said as I stepped over and dug through my bag. I pulled out a plastic figurine, a great white shark. The great white shark. The one that's been sitting in my bag since the demo-dogs. I held it in my hand for a minute before placing it on the bookshelf next to the book on sharks. "Perfect place for him, right?"

"You kept it?" Dustin asked as he looked at it

"Why wouldn't I? You remember the day you gave it to me?" I said not turning to face him

"How could I forget?" he paused "We did a presentation together, and we picked sharks because you were so interested in them."

"I did all the research, I was so excited. And you put the presentation together and decided what we'd say and when." I smiled softly

"Yeah, and when the teacher called our names to go up and present your eyes lit up as we stood there. Holding our bored showing the sharks anatomy."

"I went off the plan, just so I could add that sharks don't have real bones." I laughed as I picked up a book "It was so cool to me."

"Then I came up to you like a month later with a surprise."

Hey! Y/N!" I heard someone with a lisp call from behind me. I smiled before turing around to face Dustin

"Hey" I smiled warmly

"Hi" He smiled back

"What's up?" I asked shifting my weight back and fourth on my feet

"So..remember all those facts you told me about sharks in the project we did?"


"Well, since you already knew so much about them I wanted to give you this" He said pulling out a great white shark figure from his jacket pocket

"Awww" I smiled, I'm glad he remembered that project. It was so long ago. I took the figure "I know just where I'll put this"

"Then we shared your extra lunch!" I laughed as I grabbed a book and sat down, Dustin doing the same


I got about halfway through my book by now. Dustin is laying his head on my lap while I play with his hair and read. 'We'll meet again' playing in the background, I hummed along.

Dustin's soft snores made me smile. I put my book down and looked at him. He was peaceful. I pushed some of his hair out if his face causing him to wake up.

"Enjoy your nap?" I asked still smiling. He just nodded and smiled as he rubbed his eyes. I chuckled and patted his arm "We should probably eat something."

"Chocolate pudding." he said as he sat up

"No, Dust, real dinner." I looked at him

"But I don't wanna leave" He whined

"I'll go get dinner from your mom then. And after that we can cuddle and sleep out here. How's that sound?"



That night me and Dust slept in our hide out, happy, enjoying our childhood how we should. Not being chased by monsters and possessed people.

L̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ d̶i̶d̶ I̶ k̶n̶o̶w̶, t̶h̶e̶ s̶t̶o̶r̶y̶ w̶a̶s̶n̶'t̶ o̶v̶e̶r̶. 


-1167 words. You guys like how I brought up the shark so long ago and now it's back? :D-

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