The battle of Starcourt

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-Y/N's pov-

El sobbed as the thing in her leg continued to move

"Jesus Christ." I mumbled as she yelled and sobbed

"Keep her talking. Keep her awake, ok?" Johnathan said as he stood up and ran somewhere

"Hey, El. Once we get this thing, and all of this is over I'll take you on a big shopping spree, just me, you and max. But you gotta stay awake." I said grabbing her hand

"You know, it's not actually that bad there was a kid on my soccer team, she had bone sticking out of her knee" Robin rambled

"Not helping Robin." I looked at her

"I'm sorry."

Johnathan ran back with a hot knife "Ok, El. This is gonna hurt like hell, ok?"

"Okay.." El sobbed squeezing my hand

"I need you to stay real still." Johnathan said as he put on gloves

"Squeeze my hand, as hard as you need to. Alright? And you've got Mike over there, squeeze his hand too." I said trying to stay as calm as possible. She nodded

"Here, you're gonna wanna bite down on this, okay?" Johnathan handing Mike a spoon and he put it in El's mouth

We all watched as Johnathan cut into the lump on El's leg, she screamed and squeezed my hand as tight as she could

Johnathan put his fingers in the cut, El screamed louder and sobbed. Everyone groaned

"Johnathan!" Nancy yelled

"Stop talking!" He shouted back

"No! Stop it! Stop!" El screamed

"Johnathan stop!" I shouted

"I can do it." El sobbed as she sat up "I can do it."

We watched as El put her hand over her leg, screaming in pain as whatever was in her leg moved around

The glass behind some of us broke as she screamed, I ducked down feeling the glass cut me on my legs and arms. I didn't care though. I turned my attention back to El as she continued to scream. 

She sent whatever had been in her leg flying about 20 feet away from us. A small bang sounded as a boot crushed it. Hopper's boot.

There stood in front of us hopper, Joyce, and some homeless looking guy in a white tank top.


"The mind flayer, it built this monster in hawkins, to stop El, to kill her and have a way to our world." Mike explained

"And it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it." Nancy added

"How big is this thing?" Hopper asked

"Its big. 30 feet at least." Johnathan explained

"Yeah. It sorta destroyed your cabin sorry." Lucas threw in

"Okay, so, just to be clear, this big fleshy thing that hurt El, is some kind of gigantic weapon?" Steve asked

"Yes." Nancy said

"But instead of, like, screws and metal, the mind flayer made it's weapon with... melted people." Steve confirmed

"Yes, exactly." Nancy said again

"Get with the program, Steve." I said half jokingly

"Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?" Joyce asked

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