Chapter 33

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The next day I woke up to Draco playing with my hair.

"Good morning Princess." He said softly.

"Good morning Mi Amor." I replied.

"Today is gonna be a fun day." He stated.

"Really? How so?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He answered.

"Come on, just tell me." I slightly whined.

"That would ruin the surprise." He responded.

"Ugh, whatever." I say.

We both just laugh. Five minutes pass and we get up and get dressed. Draco told me to dress nice, so I wear a thin-strapped, short, wavy, black dress and black boots. When Draco is done getting dressed (he wears an all black suit of course), he leaves for a bit.

Draco comes back and asks if I'm ready. Afterwards he grabbed my hand and we went on a walk in the woods.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I told you it's a surprise." He answers.

"Whatever." I reply.

After what feels like forever, we get to a spot where I see a picnic laid out with all my favorite foods.

"You did this for me?!" I questioned excitedly.

"Anything for my Princess." He answers.

"Thank youuuu! I love you so much!" I exclaim as I run up and hug him.

"You're welcome Princess. Let's eat before your next surprise." He replies.

     Me and Draco eat all the food he bought. Once we were done, he told me we had to take a train to get to my next surprise. Once we got there I was amazed.


"Yeah, I know you've always wanted to do it." He responds, laughing at me.

     I give him a kiss. Then, we go get skates and get on the ice. We stumble and fall a lot, but Draco holds my hand.

"Ouch! This is harder than it looks." I say as I fall again.

"Yes it i-" Draco starts to answer but he falls.

     I start to laugh loud and uncontrollably at him. I laughed so hard I started to cry and then I fall. We both start to laugh together. We finally get up.

"I think it's time to go. I still have one more surprise." Draco states.

"ANOTHER?!" I scream.

"Yes, now let's go." He says.

     We get on another train. We finally arrive to our destination and I realize it's a photo place.

"I wanted to get some photos taken of you." Draco claims.

"Aww. What kind of photos?" I ask.

"Well I want you to dress up like a princess, because your my princess." He replies.

"Okay, but only if your dress up like a prince and take photos with me." I state.

"Okay fine, but only because I love you." He says as he plants a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too. NOW LETS GO!" I responded.

     I drag him into the place. They have tons of outfits, but I decide to go with this:

 They have tons of outfits, but I decide to go with this:

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     And Draco wears this:

     We took a lot of photos together and alone

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     We took a lot of photos together and alone. It was so fun. After that, we get the photos and pay for them. Then, we go home.

"Today was fun. Thank you Mi Amor." I state.

"You're welcome Princess." He replies.

"Okay, while you were gone today. I got you this." I say as I pull out a fancy, black watch.

"I love it Princess. Thank you." He responds while kissing me and taking the watch.

     He puts it on. It looks good on him.

"It's looks good on you." I claim.

"Thank you." He answers.

"No problem." I reply.

     We take a shower and get into bed.

"Goodnight." I state.

"Goodnight Princess." Draco replies.

     We cuddle and then fall asleep.

Misunderstood: a Draco Malfoy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now