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It had been a week since I had began talking to the Twitter stranger, and it didn't even seem like it. The conversation seemed to flow quite easily between us. I had learned that they were a guy from America who goes by the name of Ali.

@5saucer95: Hey Melanie! How has your day been?

@MellyJelly: Good! Apart from my chemistry teacher being a Bitch :( Yours!?

@5saucer95: Aww, that doesn't sound too fun, what she do? And I'm good!

@MellyJelly: She kept me in for lunchtime detention for 'being a nuisance'!

@5saucer95: Awww, that's shitty! I hate character limits! Have Kik?

@MellyJelly: Sure, it's Melanie98!

@5saucer95: Cool! I'll add you!

About two minutes after that last direct message was sent, I had a new Kik message from Spidey95

Spidey95: Hey, it's me!

Melanie98: Spidey, really?! XD

Spidey95: Yes, as a matter of fact! Problem?

Melanie98: Nope, none at all

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