𝟎𝟏𝟑 - Anarvin's Busiest Day

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{Chapter Thirteen - Anarvin's Busiest Day}

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{Chapter Thirteen - Anarvin's Busiest Day}

THE VERY NEXT MORNING, LOVE MADE FORTY SOME GREEN JUICE TO MAKE HIM FEEL A BIT BETTER. "I know I should've asked this question last night but uh...why did you hit her?"

"I-It was an accident. She walked in the middle of the road not paying attention to the moving cars!" Forty explains.

"Did you call the ambulance right away?" Love inquires, setting the juice on the gable.

"Of course I did. I'm not a monster." Forty states, sipping the juice.

Love sighs. "Well I did something bad too."

Forty looks up at her, preparing for the worst. "Did you get rid of it?"

Love furrows her brows. "What? No, Forty! I didn't kill anything! I would never do that!"

"Then what did you do?"

"I kissed a married woman." Love confesses, looking out the window.

"That's not so bad." Forty shrugs.

Love side-eyes-him. "She's married. Forty that is terrible."

"Whatever. Also it's Anarvin's Busiest Day so let's go." Forty gets up, dragging Love outside to her car.

"Do we really have to go?" Love asks, looking at her car.

"Yes!" Forty's quick to answer. "Its the busiest day and Juliette's not there so."

Love huffs. "I suppose." She gets in the car, buckling her seatbelt, driving them to Anarvin.

When they arrive, Love bumps into Lydia who was holding a box full of books. "Do you need help with that?" The brunette asks, looking at the box.

Lydia rolls her eyes. "No. I don't."

"What is your problem??" Love questions, looking at her.

"Sorry. Rough morning. I could use the help I guess." Lydia shrugs.

Love takes a step back. "Hm. Should I help you? Especially after last night..?"

"I'm deeply sorry for that. It's just. I don't want to lose William." Lydia sighs.

"I understand. I'm going to make some peach biscuit shortcakes and Turkey mixed with bacon salads. If you want some you can always stop by the kitchen." Love puts her hand on top of Lydia's.

"Not here." Lydia whispers to Love.

"It's not in a romantic way." Love pulls her hand away. "Well you can still come by the kitchen if you'd like some." She walks away, going to the kitchen.

The blonde exhales, setting the box in the storage room. Until Payton approached her. "So you're the new girl Love's boning, huh?"

"What? No. I'm married and I thought she was seeing someone." Lydia denies.

"Uh huh. Well whenever you want to stop the charade, I'll be in the kitchen getting peach biscuits." Payton goes to the kitchen.

Lydia closes her eyes for the moment, taking a deep breath. Trying to not imagine being with Love in any type of way Romantically or Sexually.

She sees Love in the fruit aisle, talking to Joe. She wonders what they're talking about but then she reminds herself that Love isn't her girlfriend so whatever Love's doing with Joe isn't her business.

"Well if cut cucumbers in a firm way it'll look like a potato chip. But better shaping." Love jokes.

"You're a pro." Joe chuckles.

"Thank you. You should stay even after you buy your groceries because we're having some type of feast since today is the busiest day here every year." Love picks up some bell peppers.

Joe nods. "I'll stay. If you're cooking."

Love giggles. "I'm cooking. So go ahead and get your groceries and then you can go read a book or something while you wait." She smiles and walks into the kitchen, putting an apron on.

Joe smiled back, and went back to getting all the groceries he needs for his house.

Lydia enters the kitchen slowly. "Hi, Love."

"Oh, Hi Lydia." Love looks at her for a second before turning the stove on to boil the water in the pot.

"Everything going well?" Lydia questions while watching.

Love nods, cutting the peaches into small squares. "Are you hungry? If so, I can make you a tuna melt."

"Yeah. And a tuna melt does sound nice right now."

"Perfect. Any preference on it?" Love lays out different types of bread.

"Nope! Make it the Love Quinn way." Lydia chuckles.

Love also chuckles, getting the tuna, miracle whip, lettuce, and onions. "Watch carefully in case you want to make it at your house."


Lydia looks at Love's movements, biting her lower lip a bit. But then she drank some water to stop thinking about Love in a sexual, romantic way. Lydia couldn't believe herself right now.

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