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{Chapter Twenty Five - Always A Pleasure}
A DAY AFTER LOVE MADE THE STORAGE BE MORE HERS THAN IT EVER WAS WILLIAMS, LYDIA KNOCKS ON LOVES APARTMENT DOOR. Love opens the door, holding a pair of scissors in her left hand. "Lydia, what's up?"
The blonde looks at the scissors. "Can I come in? And why are you holding scissors?"
Love lets her inside and when Lydia enters Love closes the door. "It's because I was trimming Forty's beard."
"Oh. Well Hi Forty." Lydia waves to him as she sits down on the nice cozy couch.
"Hello Lydia." Forty waves back.
"Doesn't he look much more handsome when his bear isn't so scruffy?" Love gently leans on his shoulder, making sure the scissors's sharp blades aren't near his face.
"Yeah!" Lydia remarks.
"I did tell him to shave every once in a while and here I am, trimming his beard for him." Love giggles.
Forty gasps dramatically. "I did shave. Last month."
Love sets scissors down on the counter. "Last month isn't every once in a while!"
Forty gets off the stool he was seated on. "Yes. Yes it is."
"In your opinion." The brunette haired woman states as she goes into the kitchen.
"I guess I can agree with that." Forty puts the towel in the hamper and puts his shirt back on.
"What are you going to make, Love?" Lydia questions.
"A batch of Dark Chocolate Truffle Tarts for Delilah and Ellie to enjoy." Love shrugs as she was getting the ingredients out of the pantry and fridge.
"You two are still together?" The blonde gets up from the couch, sitting on the stool Forty was sitting on while he was getting his beard trimmed by his twin sister.
"Yeah. The relationship is going smooth." Love says, making the crumbed crust for the tarts.
"That's good for you." Lydia goes on her phone.
Love nods. "Sooo what about you?"
Forty sips his water, watching the conversation between the two. It was entertaining to him even though they weren't arguing with each other.
"Are you dating anyone?" Love inquires.
"Uhm...yeah! I am actually." Lydia lies, chuckling out of nervousness.
Forty and Love both look surprised. "Really? Who?" The twins ask at the same time.
Lydia comes up with a quick lie. "Some guy named Benjamin."
"Anders?" Love raises a brow.
"..Yep." Lydia forces a smile and goes back on her phone.
When Love finishes making the tarts she places them into a plastic bin, putting the lid on it and then she goes over to Delilah's, knocking on the door twice before Delilah opened it.
"My favorite type of tart." Delilah smiles, moving out the way so Love can enter.
"I can't stay. I have to go handle something. But enjoy! And I hope Ellie enjoys them too." Love kisses her girlfriends cheek and then left, going to the storage. After she left Delilah's place last night she did trap Juliette in the cage.
"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Juliette screams, banging on the cage but luckily it didn't break.
"No." Love remarks, walking over to the cage. "You did a reallyyyyy bad thing and expected to get away with it. If anything I'm helping you."
Juliette's eyes widen and she sits on the blanket in the corner of the cage. "You're insane."