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{Chapter Thirty Eight - Scars}
LOVE WALKED OVER TO LYDIA, SMILING A BIT WITH HER PHONE IN ONE HAND. "Hey, I have to go handle something but I'll come back afterwards."
"Okay." The blonde kisses Loves cheek which causes Love to smile before she left, going to the storage.
She waited in the hallway for the person that was claiming to have been James. But it was no surprise to her when Candace walked through the front door, smirking.
"I always had a feeling it was you." Love remarks.
"Well. I guess you're not the only one in this hallway that knows how to pull of a good scheme." Candace chuckles.
"Pfft. Whatever." Love rolls her eyes and goes to her storage room, before she could even close the door back down behind her, Candace also goes in the storage room so Love just leaves it opened.
"I don't really get why you're still bothering me with this ridiculous bullshit." Love shrugs, sitting down in her seat she normally sits in while being in her storage room.
Candace laughs. "It's because you still haven't learned your lesson on being obsessed or doing what you've been doing."
"I've been protecting Lydia."
The red haired woman shakes her head. "No. You haven't really been protecting her but ok. Because I ACTUALLY HAVE BEEN PROTECTING HER! In fact I texted her, telling her to come down here so she can know just how much of a evil bitch you really are."
Love feels insulted by those words. "I am not a bitch. Nor am I evil. Okay? I did nothing wrong, Candace. I love Lydia."
"You have done VERY wrong things, Love. I know it, you know it. Now Lydia will know it too." Candace grins.
Lydia shows up and walks into the room slowly at first to make sure she went to the right one. "Oh, Hi guys. What's up?"
"Love, would you like to do the honors to do you want me to do it for you?" Candace inquires, looking over at the brunette.
"I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." Love smiles at Lydia and then leaves the room, when she reaches a certain point of the hallway she starts to jog a bit but Candace runs after her.
Love rushes over to the trash can and throws up from all the stress Candace has been giving her.
Candace exhales. "We can tell her together. Maybe it'll make it a bit more better for everyone?"
"Leave me alone." Love demands.
"Love, don't be like that. Let's do this." Candace states.
Love grabs a broken bottle from the trash can, turns around and stabs Candace in the throat with it. She didn't realize that Lydia was standing near the beginning of the hallway until after she killed Candace.
Lydia runs away, and after she ran away Love got dropped the bottle and chased after the blonde, she walked inside of the storage. "Lydia, I can explain. Please just let me."
Love looks inside of the cage, sighing. Hoping that Lydia will come out of her hiding spot and let Love explain why she did what she just did.
Lydia did come out of hiding. At and unexpected time, which gave her the opportunity to push Love in the cage and lock her inside. "Go ahead. Explain. But I think everything is pretty obvious now."