God Has All The Answers...

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Have you ever wondered why there is a rainbow in the sky after a storm? Why there is always light at the end of a tunnel? Why the sun always rises in the morning? God created all things for the greater good of human kind. So many times we alway think about the negative when something happens... No lie, too many times I have been in a situation and the first thing I do is be negative about it and then the situation doesn't even turn out the way I thought it would. Why do we do that to ourselves and our loved ones? Remember guys when we are like this, even though we don't see it, it affects our loved ones as well. How about praying every time we feel like this? How about asking God to help us through whatever we are going through.

Prayer makes me feel so much better than sitting and being negative about everything. And even though I still go through so much on a daily basis, I mean sometimes I feel like just ending it all. Then I hear God say that He is far from done with me. Life is never easy, it just gets easier when you know that you have God and all of the angels routing for you to make it through.

Does it ever feel like as soon as you through one situation, then another pops up? And then you feel like you never going to make it through? Prayer... That is all I can say. Pray to God and complain, tell Him how you feel. God always listens. He might take long to answer our prayers, He might answer immediately or never at all. But when He doesn't answer, just know that right now what you are asking for isn't meant to be. Or God has even better plans for you. It is important to stay faithful and hopeful. God has all the answers!

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