I love.. Chapter 5

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      Harry's POV

  So yes I pretty much regret ever calling Faith any names. I felt so bad. She went through some serious stuff. I mean, he ex beating her.. That's.. Wow.. I should beat his a-
*phone rings*

"Hello.?" I answered. "Yeh, its Faith. Louis left and I'm home alone. He went with Zayn somewhere. I think he said the mall.? I don't know. But can I come over for a little.? Just until Louis gets home.?" Faith spoke all bored like. "Yeh, sure." "See you in a phew Harold." "Okay." After a couple of minutes Faith was here. "Harry open up I'm here." I opened the door. She was holding up booz. "Who's that for.?" I laughed. "Us silly." She smiled. "Let me in.?" I let her in. She went to the kitchen and put them on the table. She poured us some Grey Goose.  "Here yah go." She said handing it to me. I took it and .. Bottoms up. Why not.? Let's have some fun. What can go wrong.? We started drinking bottles. And I mean full bottles. She borought like 6 or 7 bottles. After a while of drinking we started talking. "Harry.?" "Yes.?" "Am I ugly.?" "Whaaa no. Gurl your beautiful. Just beautiful." "Nno I'm not." "Yes you are. Don't.. Don't you say that." "What's beautiful about me.?" "Your personality, your face. Your body." "My..my body.? Oh Mr.Styles, don't get dirty." She smirked. "Why not.?" I smirked back. "Show me how beautiful I am." And with that, I started walking toward her. "Come here." I said. I put ither of my hands and put them on ither side of her waist. I started kissing her neck not thinking about consequences. I'm drunk so. A moan escaped from her mouth. I unziped the blue dress she was wearing, and it del to the ground. She was now in her undergarments. I took my shirt off. I pined her against the wall. I smashed my lips on hers. I grunted. "I want you." I whispered in her ear. "Mmmm.." She moaned showing she desired my body just as much. I picked her up bridal style, and brought her up to my room. I took off the rest of her clothes and mine. The rest of the night was a blur. -but I have a pretty good idea of what happened. Faith was naked, and next to me when I woke up. Oh my God. Louis.. I started panicking. "F-faITH.!!" I screamed. "AHH.!! Harry don't- whY AM I NAKED.?!" "Because Louis brought you over here like that.. WHY DO YOU THINK.?!" "SHUT UP.. I THOUGHT THAT I JUST DIDNT WANNA SAY IT.!!" She started crying. "Omgg louissssss.!!!!" She started crying harder. "You should leave..." "No.. Really.?!" She got up and put her clothes on. She ran downstairs and left. .

*Faith's POV*

I ran. Though it was hard. I'm sore. Which makes guilt worse. Harry is pretty big. I do remember some of last night. But I was blacking out. I got in the car and rushed home. It was only 10:47 pm. Louis is going to wonder where I've been. When I got home I thought of an ecuse. "I um. I was drunk. And I wasn't thinking. I'm sososo so sorry Louis." I said before walking in. When I did, I saw Louis sleeping on the couch, but he woke up. "Hey, princess. Where've you been.?" He sat up as I sat down. "Oh I was at Harry's... Louis I need to tell you something-" "ohh I got you something." He pulled out an expensive blue neckless. "Oh my gosh I love it.!!" I started crying. I feel so terrible. I'm the worse person. I just cheated.

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