Chapter 12

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        Faith's POV

I woke up to the smell of panckaes, Bacon, and eggs. They smelled so great. Maybe they smelled even better than ever because I've missed them more than anything. My mom would make them from scratch.

I turned over and screemed. "ARE YOU OKAY ???" Louis jumped up screaming. I totally forgot that late last night I let him in bc he had no where else. "Yes. I'm good. I just. I forget th-that you were here." I stood up dusting off my shirt. "O-oh.. Okay.. How did you sleep ?" "Bad, Louis you have to move on. I can't be with you. Its too much guilt. And you know it." "Yes I know. But we can work through -" "Louis, please." I looked at him with pleating eyes. "I'll try but no one could make me even if I wanted to." I went out the door to the bathroom to get dressed and stuffses.

I put on some black skinnies and a white t. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went out and seen the hottest thing ever.

Louis was standing there with his shirt off with his back facing me. His back was. Whhooo..

He turned around and seen me. "Good Job you moved on rapidly." He clapped looking at my drool. I blushed and put my things down on the night stand and brushed my hair down. After I was all done, me and louis went down the stairs to eat. After we ate we left to the mall.

W h I l e   a t    t h e   m a l l
P h o n e   c a l l

"Hello ?" I answered. It was Harry. "Hey beautiful. We miss you when are you coming-" "Harry you've called me ten times about the same thing every 10 minutes. The answer isn't going to change. Soon." I laughed. I missed Harry too tho. "Hey you can't blame me, I miss you sooo much." His voice was kinda shaking. I felt bad. "Harry you miss me that much.?" "No, Niall hit me in the balls." He said almost crying. I started laughing. "It isn't funny." "He said laughing." I looked over at Louis who was balling his fists and getting mad. "Uh yeh Harry haha. I gotta go, love you. Bye." I hung up.

"You good ?" I turned to Louis. "What ? Oh yeh um im fine." He looked away. I swear I think he rolled his eyes. What's up with people rolling their eyes ? Seriously..... Its rude.

We stopped at a pizza place and sat down and ate and talked. "Haha no the best was when you cryed on my chest while watching Titanic." We were talking about our favorite date. "Nono I don't care. The best was when we went-- OHOH nonono the best was when we got stuck in --" he cut me off, "Victoria's Secret," we started laughing. "That one was the best" He winked then he bit the pizza again. I started blushing but tried to play it off by laughing. "He smiled and grabbed my hand. "I miss us. I can't move on." I looked down. "Louis.." He pulled my chin up and looked me in the eyes. "You know you can't ither." I looked down again. I can't but I can. I also have strong feelings for.  ........ For Harry.  "Sorry." He wiped his hands with a napkin and so did I. "We should get going." I stood up. "Tell me something." He looked at the table "Anything." I sat back down. "Tell me you love me." "I do." I looked down. I couldn't lie.. I can't lie to Louis. "Now tell me you do not love Harry, not like a brother ither." I looked down. "Of course not." I... Well...I couldn't lie.....

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