Love you one last time Pt1

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Louis' pov

     "Alrighty. Well... Can you just keep it a secret ?" i heard walking into the cold kitchen.

"Keep what a secret ?" i asked Claira, my girlfriend.

"I gotta go.. Yeh...... Okay. Bye." she said hanging up.

"Claira, Keep what ... A secret ?"I said inching closer.

"Louis, you scared me half to death," She smiled getting closer as well.


"Louie Don't worry it's nothing."

"If it were nothing you'd tell me," I said rejecting her arms that wanted to wrap around my torso. "With no problem."

"Louie get out of your head. Everything is fine. Trust and believe me, if it wasn't then you'd be the first to know." Which did make sense.

We do tell each other everything. I believe that if anything were wrong with her, then she'd tell me ASAP.

"Okay. Well what are you cooking, chef Clair ?"

"Pancakes, love. You're gonna love them."

"As always," I said planting a kiss on her forehead. "Beautiful."

Claira is the most beautiful girl I've ever known. She has pink locks that flow just before her shoulders, crystal blue eyes.. she's just so adorable.

"How'd you sleep, love ?" She said with her back turned toward me.

"Good. Would've been better if I woke up next to you. How about you ?" I replied.

"Pretty good."

"That's great, my love." I breathed. I really wanted to know what that phone call was about. "What ... what was that phone call about ?"

"Llllouieee just leave it alone. Please, Trust me, everything is going to be fine, love. Don't worry yourself." She said turning to kiss me.

"Fine." I said turning from the kiss. "Okay okay," I couldn't not kiss her. "So what's the plans for today, babes ?"

"Well. I've gotta go to the mall with my girls. I don't know what's on the table for you," she giggled.

"Leaving me ?"

"Go to Harry's flat. Heard he and Liam are playing your favorite video game. Join them."

"So. Yes." I pretended to pout.

"I'm sorry, love. I promised Lilian and Shanon." Lilian and Shanon are like that fly that's in your room and just when you think it's gone you see it fly into the light. But it's okay. If they make her happy then I'm glad she has them. "But we can have dinner around 9 at Nandows. Niall not included."

"Love it. Can't wait."

"Well I gotta go get ready lover," She said pointing upstairs. "Your breakfast is on the counter. Meet you there." She said winking.

"Yes you will."

----------- at Harry's flat

"Not fair. You cheated. Again," Liam complained. It's his fourth time losing to me.

"No mate you just severely suck." I laughed.

"Bet I could beat you," Niall said snatching the controller from Liam.

"What are you doing ? I can beat him !" Liam scuffed.

"In your dreams, sure." I said to Liam. "And Niall you couldn't beat me even if I had my eyes cl-"

"You all suck," Paul said walking down the stairs behind us.

"Come beat me." Niall said snatching my controller and handing it to Paul.

"Alright," Paul said taking a seat next to Liam.

"I'm still better than every single one of you," I said sitting down.

While I was sitting here I decided to shoot a quick text to Claira.

To Claira ~
Missing you. 😢

I haven't been separated from her for much long. So I already knew I was going to have a long day.

"Louis, order some Pizza." Niall said turning his body and controller to make his character turn before Paul shot him.

The Pizza got here within 20 minutes of waiting. And still no text from Claira.

About 4 hours pass and still no text from Claira.

The clock read 6:37 pm.

I'm glad she's having fun I just wish she'd text me back to let me know she's okay.

And all of a sudden my phone goes off. But the caller ID said Shanon, and my heart dropped. Why isn't Clair calling me ?

"Hello ?" I picked up.

"Louis," I heard a bunch of sobbing and rambling.

"Woah woah Shan, slow down... what's going on ?"

"Cl-clair-a !!" She said hyperventilating.

"What's wrong with her ?!" I said hoping up from my seat. All the boys dart their eyes toward me, hearing what Shanon had just said.

All of a sudden my body falls to the ground because I wasn't strong enough to hold myself up. Tears rushing down my face, the boys all asking what was wrong.

I physically felt my heart fall to the ground right before I fell to my knees.

"Sh-she..... she got in a car accident." I choked out.

"Woah woah is she okay ????" Liam asked as his eyes teared up.

"She said.. Shanon said that there's blood ev-every where.. I-i can't lose her-she's-we're-she's my everything-we have to go !" I said trying to get myself off the floor.

We got in the car and rushed to the hospital Shanon said they were at.

Once we got into the lobby area I yelled, "Claira Parker-Tomlinson" running up to the lady at the front desk.

"Sir please calm do-"

"WHERE IS SHE ?!" I didn't have time to calm down. My love-my life-my everything is suffering somewhere and I'm not there.

"Room 237."

I ran to the elevator. But it was taking too long so I ran up the near by stair case.

As soon as I seen "237" I ran into there. Which wasn't a great idea.

Once again. I fall to the ground. My heart brakes into a million tiny pieces.

There she lied. Blood on her head. Eyes bloodshot red. Her left arm and leg wrapped in medical bandages and tape. My heart and all its pieces plummeted to the ground.

"YOU SAID EVERYTHING WOULD BE OKAY !!" I said crying uncontrollably.

To be continued ...

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