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AN: Just a warning, I don't know how to do the 1940's speech so :). I wanted to read one where the characters from before Steve becomes the Super Soldier watch the moviesby there were none so I decided to write one.

I wasn't completely sure how to make the other soldiers and Dr. Erskine react so they are pretty quiet mostly and the main characters will react quite a bit.

Also I will post as often as I can, I will try to post a chapter every Saturday and Wednesday though. This story will be short and after this will be 'The Age Of Ultron' and 'Captain America: Civil War'

Happy reading, I hope you like it, I tried!


It was the night before Steve was supposed to get the procedure and the serum. Dr. Erskine had just left Steve's room, leaving him to his thoughts.

The serum was an experiment, which made Steve an experiment. He hoped it would work, maybe making him more able to fight in the army. But at the same time what if it went wrong? What I something happened to him. He wished he could know if it would work or not.

Then all of sudden there was nothing, just blackness. When he awoke, he groaned from a pain in the back of his head, as if someone had knocked him out. He looked around him and saw his best friend, more of a brother, Peggy Carter, Dr. Erskine, Howard Stark, his commanding officer Chester Phillips, and the (soon-to-be) Howling Commandos.

Steve immediately went to Bucky who pulled him into a hug. Peggy looked around and saw a note and she read it in her head, looking shocked before reading it aloud:

"Dear Friends, none of you know me, that is because I'm from the future. I know you probably think that's crazy but it's true. Your future is not well and I think you deserve better so I sent back a movie to you all, I will also send you notes if you get very confused. I might send another after but for now, you need to watch this first one. It is called Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Starting in the movie is Steve Rogers, you will look very different because of the serum, which will work by the way, and Bucky will appear towards the end as well. Good luck, this is your second chance.
P.S: Steve was on the ice after crashing a plane in the arctic to save the entire city of New York and was asleep for 70 years.
Sincerely, your friend."

Everyone in the room looked shocked. For one the serum would work, second Steve would sacrifice his life to save the entire city of New York and sleep for 70 years. And the movies would be mostly about Steve in the future.

"Well, I suppose we ought to start then," Bucky said

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