5. Hydra

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Steve and Natasha are in a car. Natasha asks him where he learned how to steal a car.

Steve says he learned in Nazi, Germany.

"Makes sense," Jim said.

He says that they're borrowing it and tells her to get her feet off the dash. Natasha complies.

Natasha says she has a question for him but he doesn't need to answer it. She says that she thinks if he doesn't answer it he is kind of answering it.

Steve asks what it is.

"Don't sound so annoyed." Bucky joked.

Natasha asks him if it was his first kiss since 1945.

Bucky laughed. "It was wasn't it?" He asked.

Steve asks if it was that bad.

Natasha says that she didn't say that.

"No, but it was implied," Steve said.

Steve says that that's what it sounds like she's saying.

Natasha says she was wondering how much practice he's had.

Steve says that he doesn't need practice.

Natasha says that everyone needs practice.

Steve says that it wasn't his first kiss since 1945. He says he's 95 not dead.

"You look good for 95, though," Peggy said, blushing.

Natasha asks if it was nobody special

Steve says that it's hard to find someone with shared life experience.

"Oh, we believe it," Bucky said.

Natasha tells him to make something up.

Steve asks if he's supposed to do what she does.

Natasha says that truth is a matter of circumstances. She says that it's not all things to all people all the time and she is not either.

Steve says that that's a tough way to live.

Natasha says that it's a good way to die.

Steve says that it's hard to trust someone when you don't know who that someone is.

"Well, he's not wrong," Peggy said.

Natasha asks him who he wants her to be.

Steve suggests that she be a friend.

Natasha says that there's a chance he's in the wrong business.

They pull up outside of an old, abandoned military base.

They get out of the truck. Natasha says that the file came from these coordinates.

Steve sees the sign and says that he did too.

It is now nighttime and they're still walking around. Steve says that he was trained here.

Natasha asks if it's changed much.

Steve says it has a little.

"A lot," Steve said, and the others who were being trained there agreed.

Steve sees a vision of his past self, training with other soldiers. Phillips is telling them to pick it up. Steve's past self is lagging behind. Phillips tells him to fall in.

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