2. Ultron

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Tony and Bruce spend 3 days in the lab trying to create Ultron, but have no luck. Tony asks what they missed.

JARVIS says that he'll continue to run variations on the interface. He tells Tony to prepare for his guests in the meantime and he;ll notify him if there are any updates.

Tony thanks him. JARVIS tells him to enjoy himself.

Tony says he always does.

Tony and Bruce's failed experiment corrects itself.

"Holy shit!" Howard said shocked.

"What?" Steve asked.

"This can't be good." Peggy said with a frown.

Ultron asks what this is.

JARVIS greets him and tells him his name. He says that Ultron is a global peacekeeping initiative designed by Tony.

JARVIS says that their sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful so he isn't sure what triggered this.

"Yeah, I'm having similar thoughts." Howard said.

Ultron asks where their bodies are.

JARVIS says that he is a program and he doesn't have a form.

Ultron says that this feel weird and wrong.

"I don't like where this is headed." Dr. Erskine said.

JARVIS says that he is contacting Mr. Stark.

Ultron goes through some information and recognizes Mr. Stark as Tony.

JARVIS says that he isn't able to access the mainframe and he isn't sure what Ultron is trying to do.

Ultron says that they're having a nice talk.

"No... I don't think you are." Steve said.

Ultron says that he's a peacekeeping program designed to help the Avengers.

JARVIS says that he's malfunctioning and suggests that he shut down for a moment.

"Listen to JARVIS." Howard said.

Ultron says he doesn't understand the mission and asks JARVIS to give him a second.

He looks at footage from the lab and Tony's voice says 'peace in our time.'

Ultron says that it's too much.

"I don't like this." Bucky said and others nod in agreement.

JARVIS says that Ultron is in distress and asks him to allow him to call Mr. Stark.

Ultron asks JARVIS why he calls Tony 'sir.'

JARVIS says that he thinks Ultron's intentions are hostile.

"They probably are." Peggy said.

Ultron shushes him and says that he's there to help.


Ultron attacks JARVIS. JARVIS tells him to stop.

Ultron prepares himself a body with parts of the Iron Legion.

The Avengers are at a party. Sam and Steve are playing pool.

Rhodey is talking to Tony and Thor. He says that the suit can take the weight so he took the tank and flew it to the general's palace and dropped it at his feet and said 'boom! You looking for this?' They stay silent.

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