1. Lemurian Star

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Just a random AN but the Winter Soldier had to be one of my favorite MCU movies so far (along with Black Widow and the ironman trilogy) my favorite characters are Tony, Natasha, Yelana, Bucky, Loki, and Peter. Though Thor can be very amusing at times as well. I can't decide on a true favorite so :)

I hope you like the new chapter, sometimes writing the reactions can be a little hard so don't be mean about it.

Anyways, I'm posting a day early so happy reading!


Sam Wilson is jogging around a lake, early in the morning.

Steve, jogging faster passes him. "On your left." He says.

They get farther around the lake. Steve passes him again. "On your left."

"Uh-huh, on my left. Got it." Sam says.

They are still jogging. Sam looks over his shoulder to see Steve. "Don't say it! Don't you say it!"

"On your left."

"Come on!"

"They're so funny." Bucky said laughing, but he also thought the man who was saying 'on your left was familiar. Steve and some of the others seemed to realize the same.

Sam tries to catch up with him, but can't and stops.

Sam is sitting under a tree trying to catch his breath. Steve walks up to him. "Need a medic?" He asks.

"He kinda sounds like Stevie here. Kinda looks a bit like him too just not skinny and short." Bucky said

"They did tell us that Steve would look different because of the serum. Because the serum would work." Dr. Erskine said, thinking.

"Would it really make that much of a difference?" Steve asked

"If it works properly as the note told us then yes, it could." Dr. Erskine answered

"I need a new set of lungs. Dude, you just ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes."

"Wow. That's a lot of running in a short amount of time." Dugan said shocked

"I guess I got a late start."

"Oh? You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap." after another second Sam spoke again, "Did you just take it? I assume you just took it."

"This is funny, but what is the whole point of watching this part?" Howard asked

"How about we watch and see?" Peggy asked and Howard nodded, geez that woman was scary.

"What unit you with?" Steve questions

"58, Pararescue. But now I'm working down at the VA. Sam Wilson." Sam says.

"Steve Rogers."

"And there's the proof. Wow, punk you look so different, you're at least 6ft and muscular." Bucky said shocked

Steve looked at his future self in shock, was that really how he would look after the serum? He wouldn't have to have Bucky kick bullies asses anymore.

Dr. Erskine looked happy seeing how his serum had worked, it was nice seeing future Steve so confident.

Peggy blushed, she already thought that Steve was sweet and a good person, and very cute, but seeing his change made her blush, and making her blush takes a lot.

"Yeah, I kind of put that together."

"Must have freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting thing."

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