2. Sokovia Accords

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The Avengers are gathered around a table, Secretary Ross is there.

"Who's he?" Jim asked.

"The secretary of state i'm assuming." Peggy answered.

Ross says he had a heart attack 5 years ago and he dropped in the middle of his back swing but it was the best round of his life, then says he has 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass.

"Is there a point to this story?" Peggy asked.

Ross says that after that he found something that 40 years in the army never thought him and it was perspective. He says that the world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt.

"It's true." Chester said.

He says that they've fought for them and protected them and risked their lives. He says that many people view them as heroes but others prefer the term vigilantes.

Natasha asks Ross what word he would use.

Ross says he would use 'dangerous'.

"What?" Steve questioned knowing no one could answer. But he still wondered why people viewed them as dangerous. Sure they seem to have made a few mistakes long the way but they only wanted to help people.

Others cringed at the adjective used to describe the Avengers.

He asks them what they would call a group of US based enhanced individuals who ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they chose and seem unconcerned about that they leave behind.

He shows them footage of the battle of New York. Hulk jumps into a building.

Everyone wondered when that footage was from. They hadn't seen that yet as it seemed to be in New York and they hadn't seen anything happen in New York.

He shows footage of DC. The Heli-carriers crash into the Potomac.

Steve and Bucky both closed their eyes knowing they both had a part in that specific destruction.

He shows footage of Sokovia. The city is floating.

Everyone in the room subtly glanced at each other. Steve bowed his head though knowing he along with the rest of the Avengers had a part in that.

He shows footage of Lagos, the building is burning, paramedics arrive.

Steve looked guilty at the screen, he knew it wasn't really his fault. But as his future self has said he should have done something to contain the bomb earlier.

Steve says that's enough.

A few thankful sighs were heard.

He says that the Avengers have acted without supervision and unlimited power for the past 4 years and says it's an arrangement that the world governments can't tolerate anymore. He says he thinks he has a solution.

Everyone now looked worried. What would this 'solution' entail?

He sets a document down in front of Wanda, she slides it to Rhodey. Ross introduces the Sokovia Accords.

He says that they're approved by 117 countries and they state that the Avengers will no longer be a private organization but they will operate under the united nations only when they deem it necessary.

"I'm sorry, what?" Steve asked, already disapproving of these accords.

Steve says that the Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place and he says that he feels that they've done that.

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