6. Fury Is Alive

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Steve, Natasha, and Sam are in the back of a van. Steve says that it was Bucky and he looked at him like he didn't know him.

Bucky cringed, not liking that his future self didn't even recognize his brother.

Sam asks how it's possible and says that it was 70 years ago.

"I have a similar question," Howard said.

Steve says that it was Zola. He says that Bucky's unit was captured in '43 and Zola experimented on him. He says that whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. He says that Hydra must've found him.

"Oh great," Bucky said sarcastically

Natasha tells Steve that none of it was his fault.

"Listen to her, Steve." Peggy said, remembering the similar conversation they saw on screen in the scene after Bucky's 'death.'

Steve says even when he had nothing he had Bucky.

Bucky smiled at Steve, "I'm with you till the end of the line. Promise."

Sam sees that Natasha is bleeding and turns to the guard. He says that they need to get a doctor here and if they don't put pressure on the wound she'll bleed all over the truck.

One of the guards pulls out a weapon and uses it on the other guard.

"That's definitely not one of Hydra's," Steve said.

They take the helmet off, being revealed as Maria. Maria says that the helmet was squeezing her brain then she asks who Sam is.

"The falcon," Bucky said in a deep voice, trying to lighten the mood but still upset about his future self.

The shield vehicles pull into a tunnel. Rumlow and some others get out. Rumlow tells them to dig 3 holes. commands.

"I'm sorry, what?" Howard asked.

They open the door to the one, Sam, Maria, Steve and Natasha were in, only to find that they are no longer there and there's a hole in the floor.


Maria opens the door of a different vehicle. Steve helps Natasha out, and Sam follows. They walk into the building.

"Where are we?" Steve asked.

Maria says that Natasha has lost a pint of blood.

The doctor says to let him take her.

Maria says that she'll want to see him first.

"See who?" Peggy asks slowly.

She takes the three of them to Fury, who is alive.

"Oh, thank god." Peggy breathed.

"He's alive, I didn't kill him," Bucky added.

Fury says it's about time.

The room laughed. "Yep, from what we've seen that's definitely Fury," Bucky said.

The doctor is putting pressure on Natasha's wound. Fury says that he had a lacerated spinal column, a crakes sternum, a shattered collarbone, a perforated liver, and one hell of a headache.

The doctor tells him not to forget his collapsed lung.

Bucky winced, knowing that his future self, the winter soldier, did that.

Fury says that they shouldn't forget that. He says that other than all of that, he's good.

Natasha says that they cut him open and his heart stopped.

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