Scenes: Steve Crashes the Plane and Wakes Up

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After the last scene the screen turned black for a minute before turning back on with more words. This time it said "Steve crashing the plane and waking up after a long nap."

Everyone winced hoping the crash wasn't too painful for Steve. Steve just looked at the screen fearfully while Bucky grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

The screen then turned on.

Steve makes his way inside of the Valkyrie. He notices 3 planes with city names on them 'Chicago, Boston and New York'. agents run past him. Steve kicks one in the head, one pulls out a knife.

Steve subdues one, throws the knife at one Punches the last one, and one gets away. Steve releases the 'Boston' plane and it takes one with it. He throws another out of the plan. Another agent gets into a plane and leaves. Steve jumps on the plane, along with another agent. That agent falls into the blades and gets shredded. Steve gets the plane open, the pilot ejects himself, Steve takes his place.


He flies around the Valkyrie, Schmidt fires at him. Steve crashes into the Valkyrie and gets inside. He exits, grabs his shield and enters the cockpit, Schmidt is nowhere to be seen.

"Where'd he go?" Jack asked.

Schmidt appears behind Steve and shoots him and asks if Steve ever gives up.

"He doesn't. He's stubborn like that." Bucky grumbled remembering all the times in their childhood where Steve was too stubborn to back down and Bucky ended up having to save him from getting beat up.

Steve runs toward him, Schmidt starts shooting. Schmidt drops the gun, then they start fighting. Steve puts him in a choke-hold. They fall over, Steve grabs his shield, Schmidt takes it and hits him with it, then shoves him into the chair. The plane starts to go down.

Schmidt makes his way to the control panel and presses 'Auto-pilot' and tells Steve that he could have had the power of the gods but he wears a flag on his chest and thinks he fights a battle of nations. Schmidt says he's seen the future and there aren't any flags.

He throws the shield at Schmidt and knocks him into the tesseract. Blue energy surrounds him Schmidt asks him what he's done. The tesseract starts glowing, a projection of space appears. Schmidt starts getting sucked into it. He disappears, the tesseract falls to the ground. The tesseract melts a hole in the floor and falls through the plane.

"No joking this time. Where'd he go?" Jack asked.

Steve goes over to the captain's chair and notices the plane is still headed for New York. He starts speaking over the radio, asking if anyone reads him.

Morita tries to ask for Steve's location Peggy pushes him away.

She asks if Steve's alright.

Steve tells her that Schmidt's dead.

"There was no body. You have to be careful with that." Maria said making the others look at her weirdly while she just shrugged and looked down awkwardly.

Women weren't very welcomed into jobs that included fighting, Peggy was lucky to have gotten her job and she doesn't even go into the field.

But Maria has always wanted to fight and no matter how many times she was told she would never make it in any job that included fighting, she never gave up. Though she still didn't have the job that she truly wanted, she still knew that not checking for a body was a huge mistake.

Peggy asks about the plane.

Steve says that that's harder to explain.

Peggy asks for his coordinates and she'll give him a landing site.

"There's not gonna be a safe landing in the middle of the mountains." Jim said, eyes widening.

Steve says that there's no time and that he can try and force the plane down.

Peggy says she can get Howard because he'll know what to do.

Steve says that there's no time and that the plane is moving quickly to New York, he says he's going to put the plane in the water.

Bucky held onto his brother tighter not wanting to see this happen to him.

Tears appear in Peggy's eyes she asks him not to and says that they can work it out.

Steve says that he's in the middle of nowhere and if he waits any longer people will die, he says that this is his choice. He tells her that he'll need a raincheck on their dance.

Steve and Peggy blushed a little before realizing that what they thought earlier was true. They liked each other, they were going to go on a date and they missed it.

Peggy sets up a time and location for their dance and tells Steve not to be late.

Steve says he still doesn't know how to dance.

Peggy says that she'll show him.

Steve says that they can have the band play something slow.

"Stevie." Bucky sighed sadly, he could see how much Steve and Peggy liked each other even if they had only known each other for a very short amount of time.

The line goes out and Peggy says Steve's name a few times before she starts crying. Steve forces the plane down.

Everyone was silent, a few had tears in their eyes. Bucky was silently crying while Steve held his hand.

Before anyone could say anything the next scene started.


A baseball game is playing on the radio. Steve opens his eyes. Steve sits up in the bed and stares at the radio. A woman, dressed like she's from the 40s walks in and greets him.

Steve asks her where he is.

"The future." Bucky said dramatically trying to relieve the tension in the room which didn't work. Steve did grab Bucky's hand and squeezed it in silent thanks.

She tells him that he's in a recovery room in New York City.

Steve asks where he really is, getting suspicious.

The woman says that she doesn't understand.

Steve refers to the game playing on the radio and says that its from May of 1941 and that he knows because he was there and asks where he is.

"Well, that's a mistake." Peggy said, awkwardly.

She pushes a button that activates an alarm. Steve asks her who she is. Two agents enter the room, Steve throws them through the wall. Steve jumps through the hole and starts running.

The woman tells him to wait then pulls out a comm and tells the other agents that they have a code 13.

Steve pushes a couple of agents over as he runs out of the building, only to find himself in modern day New York city. SHIELD cars pull up.

Fury apologizes for the show back there but he says he thought it would be best to break it to him slowly.

"I really don't think there was an easy way to break this type of news to him at all." Peggy said sadly.

Steve questions him.

Fury tells him that he's been asleep for almost 70 years. Steve looks around in shock. Fury asks if he'll be okay.

Steve says he had a date.

Peggy blushed, "The first thing you say after hearing that is that you missed our date?"

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