5. Vision

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Steve is on the roof, the quinjet behind him. He tells Clint and Natasha to stay close. He runs inside the lab and finds Helen.

Helen says that Ultron is uploading himself into the body.

"We need to find him before he can," Steve said.

Steve asks where he is.

Helen says that the gem is inside the cradle and it's powerful and uncontainable so they can't blow it up. She tells him to get the cradle to Tony.

Steve says that he needs to find it first.

"I hope she's okay," Peggy said.

Steve, over comms, asks if they copied that.

Clint says that they did.

Natasha says that there's a private jet taking off across town with no manifest. She says that it could be him.

"Could be."

Clint sees a truck and recognizes it as one from the lab. He tells Steve that it's on the loop by the bridge and there are 3 of them with the cradle and says that he can take the driver out.

"Don't shoot it!"

Steve tells him not to and says that the city could be leveled if the truck crashes. He says that they need to draw out Ultron.

Ultron says to leave him alone then he blasts the door.

"He sounds like a child," Bucky said.

Steve says that he's unhappy and he'll try and keep him that way.

"How-" Jim started to ask.

"If he's unhappy, chances are he'll focus more on Steve," Chester said and Peggy nodded.

Clint tells him that he's no match for him.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Steve said sarcastically.

Steve thanks him. Ultron throws Steve into a car. Steve jumps back onto the truck, and Ultron flies up to him.

Ultron says that the power to make real change is in the cradle and says that that terrifies Steve.

"Your definition of real change is to end the world, so yes, it is terrifying," Bucky said.

Steve says that it isn't a comfort. They start fighting. Steve kicks his shield into Ultron's chest. Ultron shoves the shield down, then blasts Steve away.


Clint counts down from 3 and tells Natasha to give them hell. Natasha drops out of the quinjet on a motorcycle.

She picks up the shield and says that she's always picking up after them.

"Welcome to my world," Peggy said, she'd had enough practice picking up after Howard.

Clint says that they're headed under the overpass.

Natasha asks which way.

Clint tells her to make a hard right. Natasha drives through the city, slides under the truck, and tosses Steve his shield.


Steve hits Ultron away. Ultron lifts a chunk of the road.

"How did he do that?" Howard asked.

Natasha drives up some stairs and tells everyone to get out of the way. Ultron hits Steve into another car and pulls up another chunk of the road.

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