Chapter 5: Out of The Frying Pan

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"ELIZABETH" Meliodas yells, running over to what used to be the doorway.

He put his hands on the rooks looking for any way for him to get to the other side. Aragorn walks over as Meliodas looks for a way out, while Hawk is frantically running around Frodo and Pippin.

"Are any of you hurt?" Aragorn asks them.

On the other side, Elizabeth looked at the others looking for any signs of harm. Seeing none she answers.

"No, we're fine over here."

Meliodas sighs and gives up his search.

"You're going to have to meet us on the other side. Diane, Esconor are you listening? Protect Elizabeth and the hobbits. That's an order". Meliodas says to the sins on the other side.

"I'll go with them. They could always use an extra hand, but it wouldn't be safe for us all to go." Merlin said as she looked at the remains of a dwarf.

After she spoke, she teleported to the other side, and just after Gandalf's staff began giving off a light glow.

"We now have but one choice... we must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard... there are older and fouler things than the Orcs in the deep places of the world," Gandalf said ominously.

King decided it would be best if they had a little extra light.

"Spirit Spear Chastiefol, seventh configuration: Luminosity." He said as his Spear rose and changed into a glowing ringed sphere.

The new light was dim but with it; it seemed as though they could see everything. Meliodas walked back disappointed that he would not be able to help his friends on the other side of the door but was content enough with helping the ones on this side of the rubble.

As they continued on their journey they crossed a precarious bridge above one of the deep mines.

"Quietly now. It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence will go unnoticed" Gandalf says quietly to the group.

Ban turned around and noticed that Frodo was falling behind, so he picked him up by the shirt and plopped him on top of Hawk.

"Try not to fall behind, got it," Ban said, annoyed, and walked back over to Meliodas.

As they continued on their journey through a dwarf cemetery they looked at the sacred monuments of Goblin Graffiti. Soon they came to a fork in the road that split into three passages.

"I have no memory of this place" Gandalf confessed.

The Fellowship then sat in wait for Gandalf to figure out where to go next.

"Are we lost?" Pippin asked Gilthunder.

"No. I don't think we are." Gill answers.

"Shh Gandalf's thinking," Howser says butting in.

"Howser!"Pippin whined.


"I'm hungry"

Gil and Howser chuckled at Pippin.

Frodo noticed something move out of the corner of his eye, and when he looked over he saw it slip back into the darkness of the mines. He then nervously walked over to Gandalf.

"There's something down there," Frodo says.

"It's Gollum" Gandalf answers.


"He's been following us for three days."

"He escaped the dungeons of Barad-dûr?"

"Escaped... or was set loose. And now the Ring has drawn him here... he will never be rid of his need for it. He hates and loves the Ring. He hates and loves himself. Smeagol's life is a sad story. Yes... Smeagol he was once called... before the ring came to him. Before it drove him mad."

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