Chapter 2: The Cold, Hard, Truth

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       Surprisingly, it didn't take long for Ban to find someone, out in the strange land. Upon seeing the man he opted to follow him for a while. Although he had no idea who the man was, he did look like he knew where he was going. There was something strange about this man's physical appearance. It was strange; he looked mostly human, but that wasn't quite right. He wasn't quite like anything Ban had seen before, but was also strangely familiar in a way. The man was tall, about 6 feet, but had pointed ears like a fairy. He had platinum blonde hair and blue eyes, along with a bow-&-arrow on his back and was dressed in dark green cloaks.

       Ban continued to follow closely behind the man, but not close enough to the man that he would hear him. At least that was what Ban thought. Just then the man quickly knocked his arrow into his bow and pointed directly in Ban's direction. Before the man was even fully turned around Ban was already out of sight. Ban had decided it would be best to follow from the tree tops, and jumped up at almost the exact second the man had drawn his weapon.

       The blond man knew he was being followed; that wasn't hard to figure out. On the other hand, finding out who was following him was proving to be more of a challenge. He tried to locate the person following him but soon realized the person could still see him, and was clearly skilled at concealing themself. He slowly turned back around and continued on his journey, but he made sure to keep his bow out and to stay on alert.

       That's when Ban saw something that completely stole his attention: money. He spotted the money and being the greedy little fox he is, he couldn't help himself, plus it was helping him and his friends so, was it really thievery? Not to him of course. So he did what he knows best, used his power "Snatch" and took the pouch of money directly out of the strange man's pocket.

       Of course the weird pointy ear man, as Ban called him, heard the sound of gold coins hitting against each other and turned around only to see his bag of coins fly into the hand of an unknown, shirtless man, who was standing in a tree above him. Out of reflex, the odd blond haired man pulled his bow back and pointed it at Ban. Ban just looked at him for a moment, before he stashed the money in his pocket and hopped down from his tree.

       Ban placed a hand on the man's shoulder and said, "Thanks. Your donation is really going to help me and my friends. What's your name kid?"

       "Legolas..." the weird pointy ear man cautiously said, while trying to sound confident.

       Just then Ban was picked up by a great hand.

       "Ban!" cried a feminine voice from behind Legolas, "The captain said to find out where we are, not to steal from random people ''.

       Legolas looked up and saw... a giant? It wasn't like the mindless stone giants, but more like the ones his Ada used to tell him about from old stories. He watched in horror as the giant woman crushed Ban in her hand before throwing what was left of him to the ground. That's when she turned to Legolas. The giant girl bent down and picked him up by the hood, so she could get a closer look.

       "Hey, are you a fairy? Could you point us in the direction of the Fairy King's Forest?", Diane asked, as if she did not just kill her friend just seconds before.

       Legolas was speechless and scared. All he could manage to say was that there was no Fairy King's Forest anymore, and that he was in fact not a fairy.

       Diane carefully put the little fairy looking boy in her palm before plopping down on the ground.

        "Well that's not good now is it? How about this I take you to my friends and you lead us to a place where we can get something to eat and a bed to sleep in. Sounds like a deal?" said the giant, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

       Legolas just looked at her as if she was crazy.

       "So if you're not a fairy," Ban said, crawling out of the crater Diane had made when she threw him. "Then what are you? Sir Legolas."

       Ban was obviously trying to sound polite, and Legolas was shocked seeing that the man he was sure had just been killed was now standing up and walking back over to them as if nothing had happened. Without even giving Legolas a chance to answer Ban's question, Diane stood up and carried Legolas over to the cavern that the sins had woken up in.

       For Legolas this was sure a new experience. He had always heard the stories of giants from his Ada, but he thought there weren't any left and he had definitely never seen one this close. Now here he was, in the giant hand of a creature he had known only in stories, almost completely sure he was being kidnapped. Then the giant girl spoke.

       "There's no need to worry, we won't hurt you unless you give us a reason to. It's not like we are going to eat you or anything. We just need directions, and you seem to know where you're going. I'm just going to take you to our captain, that's all".

       After that nothing else was said for the rest of the trip to the cave. Which honestly wasn't very long considering how tall Diane was.

       When they got to the cave Diane put him on the ground gently. Legolas looked around and saw bruised and battered men and a woman who seemed to be strangely unharmed. Merlin and Esconor had gone off to do their own thing, but that was expected from the two of them. Ban just walked past him, over to a rock and leaned on it.

       "Captain," Diane said excitedly before pointing at Legolas, "Look what we found. It's like he's a fairy without wings, and he can't fly. He looked like he knew where he was going, so I brought him back with me."

       That's when King flew up to him to get a closer look.

       "He's not a fairy, Diane. His magical signature is similar to a fairy. It's not the same though; you just kidnapped a weird human. You need to put his back where you found him." King said, slightly panicked.

       That's when Meliodas jumped in.

       "Wait Diane you said that he looked like he knew where he was going. If so, why don't we have him take us where we need to go."

       Meliodas kicked Legolas, who was just standing there, in the back of the knees, causing the man to fall, before climbing up onto a rock right next to him.

       "Show us the way, mister Legolas the not fairy." Meliodas said before jumping off and grabbing Legolas by the foot and dragging him out of the cavern.

       Meliodas had run a good 10 or so miles with the others attempting to tail close behind, when he heard Legolas yell up at them from the ground, "DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR EVEN GOING? CAUSE YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!"

       Meliodas stopped and looked back at Legolas.

       "Oh. Ya that's right. I don't know where we're going. Sooo~ how do we get to- uh- wherever we're going?"

       Meliodas helps the poor traumatized elf up off the ground and waits for the other sins to catch up. Then, Legolas who is now up on his own two feet, begins to lead the sins in the correct direction, and does so at a much more reasonable pace.

 Now their journey can finally begin.

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