Chapter 7: Lothlorien

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The Fellowship tumbled out of the Great Eastern Gate of Moria and landed on a soft grassy plane and the two hobbits fell to the ground, crying. Meliodas walked over to a rock and sat down looking in the distance, waiting on something or someone. Aragorn looked around.

"Legolas, get them up," Aragorn said motioning to the two hobbits and Meliodas.

Boromir turned around and looked at him. Meliodas raised his eyebrow at Aragorn.

"Give them a moment... for pity's sake!" Boromir complained to Aragorn.

"I don't understand why you keep insisting I'm a child," Meliodas said mainly to himself.

King was on the ground by Pippin gently rubbing his arm telling him it was going to be okay, and that everything was going to be alright.

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up. On your feet, King, you as well, Meliodas."

Gowther taps Boromir's shoulder and points at Frodo who is walking away almost like he is in a daze. Boromir looked back at Aragorn, and what he saw didn't surprise him at all. Meliodas and Aragorn were arguing.

"I'm not leaving this rock until the others get here," Meliodas said, crossing his arms.

"Please, you're acting like a child," Aragorn said.

Gowther, who moved from Boromir to Legolas, looked confused.

"I don't understand why we are mourning Gandalf. Merlin is a much more powerful mage than Gandalf is." Gowther said peering up at Legolas. "And Ban is still alive?"

Legolas just looked down at him and sighed before walking off.

After a moment though, he stopped, "Even if Ban is alive, no one could make it out of a cavern that deep."

Gowther looked back at Legolas. "You would be surprised, he did manage to fight his way out of Purgatory once". Gowther said, "Purgatory is a much scarier place than a deep dark hole", but Legolas had already walked off.

Meliodas stopped arguing with Aragorn when he felt the ground rumble beneath him. He jumped up off the rock he was sitting on and look out towards the distance. From behind the rock face came a pair of large legs, and soon enough the whole body emerged from behind it.

"HEEEYYYY" Diane yelled from the other side of the field, waving her arm around.

When she finally got to them, she placed the hobbits and Elizabeth down gently. Meliodas ran to check up on the lot of them, primarily Elizabeth, and make sure they were unharmed. Diane was the first to notice that the group had gone from 20 to 18.

"Hey, where are Ban and the old man?" she asked, looking around for them.

Meliodas looked at her and then at Aragorn. He told the hobbit to go to Aragorn and ask him the same question, before turning to the other four. To tell them instead.

"They fell into a large cavern as we were crossing a bridge. I'm sure they are fine. *well maybe not the old man*, but that's not the important thing. What's important is what was in there. It turns out, a demon of the 'ancient world' was living there. Saw it with my own eyes. The odd thing though, was that the old man called him 'Ancient'...", Meliodas said, rubbing his head. Behind him, he could hear the other two hobbits sobbing.

"Anyway, from my understanding, we're heading to the Woods of Lothlorien. I'm assuming those are these woods below us there. Diane, you carry all four hobbits and Elizabeth. We need to get there quickly." Meliodas finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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