Chapter 30: The return of a unknown being

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Ps: no more chapter end messages and I'll be deleting the old ones and possibly editing older chapters to be better written, however I'll leave the translated chapters alone even if I change the original version a little bit.

Mewwy laid upon a giant pink bubble, under a snowy sky. She'd been thinking about heading back to read that book she'd found on Popstar, after all she did know how to decode the characters seen in the book.

Suddenly she heard a loud scream of fear in the distance followed and the sound of swimming, followed by slithering, slow at that, of a very tall creature. Mewwy knew what time it was, a fallen angel had been brought to be punished by the planets king and considered his taste for angels that angel was most likely to become todays lunch. The experience was foul to watch or even hear or just think about, so Mewwy had made up her mind, she was heading to Popstar.

She teleported herself to one of the tower tops, since teleporting straight inside would be a recipe for disaster. She carefully flew down corridors checking round corners to see if anyone was there as well as checking the rooms for the library. Mewwy held her breath as she continued to stay up on the ceiling incase anyone began to watch down the corridor.

Mewwy placed her paws upon a handle praying it would be the right room or even better the right room with no one inside! The door creaked open and as Mewwy wished it was the library with not a single soul inside.

Mewwy enter the room and flew up to where she hid the other week to find the book, which had been left in the same position. She gently carried the book down to the table to read, since she had become a little too confident no one would enter.

Mewwy was focused on translating the characters an began to read one of the sentences "Aurora and Castor are a pair of twin gods with the title of..... know to of created the.....They were created by....." she continued to concentrate on translating and read so much, she didn't know the door creaking open.

Suddenly Mewwy felt her tail being grabbed. "WHO ARE YOU?" A young girl with a blonde ponytail asked her, she seemed rather angry and had a pair of green eyes that stared straight into Mewwys eyes.

"Let go of my tail and then I'll answer your question. And besides who are you?" Mewwy responded as the girl let go of mewwys tail. "My name is Mewwy!  And as I ask again who are you?" Mewwy replied.

"My name is Tiff, and I want to know why your here." Tiff answered, she had an attitude and was peering over mewwys shoulder to look at the book, before Mewwy closed the book.

"Well if you must know I came here before with my sister and noticed a book with very important knowledge, it talks about story's and information that many would find interest in." Mewwy explained to tiff, who's interest seemed to grow at the words 'important knowledge'.

"Say could I please read that for a bit?" Tiff asked as she pointed at the book, Mewwy thought about it for a second.

Mewwy answered with "If you promise not to tell anyone about me being here." The two agreed and Mewwy went to go but then added "oh and don't trust my sister, her names mew mew and I pretend to like her but really she's a horrible person who supported NME."

Tiff peered down at the page she opened to and realised in was in a strange language she didn't know, "hey can you help me with thi-" she went to ask Mewwy but Mewwy had already left the room. Tiff looked down at the page and sighed, before flicking through pages to try and find a code.

Mewwy flew down the corridors, hoping not to be noticed. She decided to come back tomorrow instead, or maybe she should just see if she can find a different location she can go to that has the book. Suddenly she noticed a large group of people watching down the corridor, laughing together. She quickly entered through the first door she could, forgetting she could teleport due to being stressed.

She found herself in an empty bedroom and noticed a piece of paper on the bed, she watched over to the paper and read the message aloud. "Dark star jobs:
Eevlin: gain their trust before kidnapping....
Blazy: help me in what i am attempting to do.
Stary: keep fighting them and see if you can kill one of them.
Kitty: help with fighting but also see if you can enter....
Lily: prepare yourself to be ready to..."
She suddenly stopped reading and gasped when she saw her sisters name of the paper.
"Mew Mew: keep on checking on... incase they begin to try and properly fight back.
Signed Flamy."

Suddenly the door creaked behind her but she noticed this time and hide the paper behind her. A tall brown fluffy figure with many odd features walked in before staring an Mewwy who was sweating like mad.

The figure politely asked, "Oh hi, who might you be? I'm Eevlin." Mewwy stared up at Eevlin before opening her mouth.

"I'm.. Mewwy." She responded, her voice trembling, as Eevlin began to try and see what it was she was holding.

"Why did you come in my room, and what have you got there behind your back." Eevlin continued to question Mewwy, as her voice got more and more distorted and creepy. Evelin began to drip black goo as her iris became rather small.

"Well I came in here because I was hiding from the large crowd watching down the corridor, and uhh, OH would you uh... look at the.. time, I must be going." Mewwy answered before flying for the door but not getting fair before being pulled back by something around her waist.

She was held high in the air and when she looked down she saw that Eevlin was now completely black goo shaped to look like herself and one of her bush tails had become a long, gooey tentacles coming out of her stomach and her face had been replaced with a large toothy mouth.

"YOU'RE GOING TO TELL EVERYONE MY SECRET ARENT YOU?!" Eevlin screeched, Mewwy went to say something but didn't have enough time to even respond as the large toothy mouth was replaced with an eye with a bright red iris. Suddenly Mewwy was pulled right into eevlins gooey body, she reached her hand out and tried to get a last breath but that was it, it was mewwys last breath for a rather long time.

Eevlin turned to normal and smiled to herself, before leaving her room to join everyone else in heading off to enjoy the beautiful evening sky that was upon dreamland.

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