Chapter 43: A night at the fountain

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Before you read this chapter, some details have been changed.
Fomeys fur is naturally pink instead of the black it was hinted at being. Characters have been replaced due to reasons:
Mollie -> Felice, Hex -> Abaddon, Dhalma -> Castor, Drune -> Mardochaios, Rosemary -> Cinnamon, Prima -> Hazel and Cupid (not sir Cupid Williams) -> Suki.
And the planet of Railara was replaced with Rosentur.

Fomey treaded gently through the luminous waters of the fountain of dreams, it seemed like a simple place to get away from everything, after the incident after the meeting she had been to.  She gazed up at the star filled sky, her eyes landing on the Snow White moon, despite how it looked, Fomey knew it wasn't a full moon just yet, that was tomorrow. She lowered her gaze to the pink and blue trees, perhaps odd to many, but not to her.

Looking down at the water, she appreciated the many colours of it, lowering herself a moment to cup a some bit of it in her paws. Getting up, the water ran right between her paws, dripping down to its source. She stared at her reflection, admiring this small form she took, she pulled a few poses she would be able to see in the water.
Fomey lost interest after a while and began to move over towards one of the mini fountain things.

Fomey didn't really know their name, but she found the small water spitter thingys nice, running her paw through it. She never quite understood how they worked, but found them intriguing and beautiful. She put her paw in once more, but instead lifted it quickly above her head, creating many mini droplets to fly out, every one sparking in the moonlight she had always loved so much.

Looking up once more, her eyes lit up, staring at something she was so happy every planet had. The Aurora lights, she could never remember if they were named after her or if she named after them, but either way she loved them. She stared for what felt like ages before eventually removing her gaze from them.

She wondered over to the main feature itself, the large fountain, the Fountain of Dreams. It's stone body chiseled with patterns and pictures, all of wonders to the universe. Clambering up, she watched the sky blue water run down its sides, leaking from the fountain into the multicoloured wonder beneath her.

She stood on the edge, staring at the middle part of the fountain, the golden star-ed stone bowl with its blue core, upon it a misty grey form of the star rod. This is where it should go one day, but it's currently an item of Kirby's, the warp star. It seemed to be particularly there to keep the dreams alive, perhaps there would be a way to spit the star rod in two, it's dream creating half and it's star shooting and warp star half.

Fomey had never been a fan of water, except the waters found in the different fountain of dreams across the planets. She'd used to often relax in their waters on clear, moonlit nights, since as a moonlight born creature, she was able to so on those nights, like tonight.

Deciding it wouldn't hurt, she carefully got into the water, her fur becoming rather shiny and oddly, barely wet. She would be able to take a multi-hour nap, but didn't feel like doing so, wanting to see what stars she could see from there. So they she relaxed for sometime, star gazing.

The sky was full of so many stars and many other wonders. After identifying every constellation she could see, she began to look for the other seeable things, like planets and comets and such.

After a while she got bored, having found everything she could see from there. However something caught her curious eyes, a ghostly figure, it's key feature it's bright, lavender eyes. She couldn't tell what it was, but the eyes were familiar to her, but nothing else was easy to see, since it looked as if it was covered in something.

She got down, shaking her fur off. She stared again and the figure, and began to wonder towards it. As she got closer, the figure phased into the water, leaving a small patch of black. As Fomey got closer, the black disappeared, leaving nothing of the figure, making Fomey more curious than she had been before.

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