Chapter 44: Odd words and actions

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The sky thundered and roared, bullets of water shot from the grimly sooty clouds. The sky above the clouds couldn't be seen. No one dared go out in weather like this. Yet with the bellowing thunder, something was missing in castle dedede as it was just a little too quiet for some's liking.

The lights on the towering corridors walls flickered like fireflies. The echos of ones frantic footsteps could be heard in every corner, as he ran in a panic to search for a missing one. His heavy accent called out, full of dread and panic. Anyone who took the time to listen to this constant shouts would hear a familiar name, 'Fomey.' She'd left yesterday night for the Fountain of Dreams, and never returned back. Almost no-one knew what happened to her, it was clear that she didn't just choose to not return.

Tiff listened to Meta Knight's panicked calls, confused and concerned. He'd never panicked like this before, nothing came close to this, he was often so calm and collected. She wanted to say this was Crystals doing, but she shouldn't assume that, even if Crystal is the one who's mainly ticked off Meta Knight from his calm self. Besides, Crystal never had interest in harming Fomey, she only ever attempted to harm or upset Meta Knight, it just seemed odd for it to be her.

She walked towards the calls, gesturing for Kirby to come along with her. The calls stopped rather suddenly from the yells of an angry King and an annoyed snail.


"We've told you what to do today, yet your running around in a panic Metal Knight? What on Popstar has gotten into you?!"

"F-Fomey, th-she's missing! I need to-"



"RIGHT! Go do what you were supposed to, now."

Tiff heard a sigh followed by a mutter, she ducked out of sight as King Dedede and Escargoon passed her in the hall. After a moment, she and Kirby ran over to Meta Knight as he began to walk away.

"Hey!" Tiff called, Meta Knight turned to face the two. "What's going on?" She asked, despite already knowing most of it. Meta Knight gave a misery filled sigh.

"Fomeys missing, and I cant find her anywhere! I don't know what's happened but I can't search." Meta Knight put simply, finding it the easiest way to explain. Tiff didn't know what to say, she'd never trusted or liked Fomey that much, but perhaps, maybe she had over judged her. Actually she definitely had, this was someone Kirby and Meta Knight fully trusted, what reasons did she have not to trust her. Perhaps maybe she should help, to apologise to someone she over-judged so much.

"Tell you what, me and Kirby will have a look around and speak to people. Perhaps something more has happened. I'll tell you at the end of your tasks." Tiff offered, Meta Knight's eyes turned white for a second, before turning a light blue.

"I would appreciate that, thank you. See you then." Meta Knight said, before he walked off. Tiff looked down at Kirby, she nodded to him and the two set off.


Tiff had collected a pen and notebook. While it wasn't 100% someone in the castle would be involved, they may possibly have some ideas. She decided to go to Crystal first. While the would be an obvious motivation for Crystal, the actions seemed unfitting for her. But all the same, anyone who had a reason should be suspected for the time being.

Kirby and Tiff walked up to Crystal's door, Tiff knocking on the door. The two waited for a moment before getting an answer.

"What do you want? Who's there?" Crystal called through the door.

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