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What am I going to do? I have no idea! I shook my head in frustration. My life was becoming more complicated every minute, and I'm left restless and helpless. The situation back here at home was already stressful enough. How could I be so stupid? I wasn't careful enough. I made a mistake again. Damn it!

"What the hell are you doing walking back and forth?" Arm looked at me, puzzled.

"I'm stressed!" I said, placing my hands on my hips. My brows furrowed and I could feel the blood vessels in my temples throbbing. I've been like this for many days. I was thinking that if this kept going, the veins in my brain were going to rupture someday.

"What are you so stressed about?" Another bodyguard walked over to place a plate of rice on the table and looked at me with a weirded look as well.

"Arm!" I dragged my chair and sat next to Arm who raised an eyebrow in question. "Can you go follow and spy on Boss Vegas in my stead?" I asked seriously.

"What? Why me? Pete, you've been like this for two days now." Arm put down his coffee mug and crossed his arms, turning to look at me.

"Dammit!" I shook my head vigorously. The two of them looked at my incomprehensible behavior with bewilderment.

They were startled when I suddenly slammed my hand on the table so loudly. I suddenly leaned over closer to them and lowered my voice so that the people around us wouldn't hear what I was telling them about.

"What am I going to do? It seems that Boss Vegas found out that I've been secretly following him all this time." I couldn't stop thinking about it for several days.

The other day, I was just following him like usual and watched him go around his usual routine. I saw him go home already and I was about to find more information, but fuck! I was shocked when Boss Vegas, who I thought at the time was taking a shower back at his house, stood next to me at the convenience store and talked nonsense about a mosquito repellant. I had to pretend that I wasn't tired from following him all day and even until night. Damn it! But it was true that there were many mosquitoes around the house.

"What?! What are you going to do about that?" Pol asked, his face looking stunned about what I said.

"Did you tell Boss Kinn yet?" Arm asked.

"I wouldn't dare!" To be honest, I couldn't even dare to look at Boss Kinn's face this time. He was extra moody now because of his wife. He would be annoyed in one second and he'd be elated in the next. I couldn't believe someone like Porsche will have the ability to wrap Kinn around his little finger.

Now, the atmosphere in the house was so gloomy that you had to raise your hands to pay homage to Buddha before you could even step inside. You might have to check your daily horoscope as well before you step out. You have to be composed to be living inside a house at the same time with Boss Kinn.

"You should've told him! If Boss Kinn finds out later, he'll get angry," Arm said, terrified.

"Would you dare to do that? It's true that Boss Kinn doesn't have the same anger as Boss Tankhun, but still." My eyes flickered and I felt a chill in my spine just imagining how our boss would react.

"But you should know. If Vegas really found out about you, he will be more careful. You have to hurry or else you won't get any evidence! You know that!" What Pol said made sense. I was ordered to follow Boss Vegas because Boss Kinn suspected that there was a connection between the missing documents and the corruption occurring in the minor clan's company.

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